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Pakistan to launch drones over the US..

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Before anyone writes any more US/UK propaganda... can I suggest you read

''The US and British Oil Imperialism by Norman D Livergood,


and then take a look at

Bradley Manning video



Veterans against the War



to see just what is actually happening here.......

Anybody and everybody including you, are disposable collateral, and by siding with the War mongers you are equally culpable..imo.

Can I suggest that those who advocate invading another man's land to steal his resources; and murder innocent women and children.... be given guns and knives and then be marooned on a remote island where they can fight it out without injuring those who are innocent.... man to man, if they have any ba***. Instead of expecting our sons and daughters to go and do their dirty work for them, and become demonised by association..

For those who actually believe that OBL orchestrated 911, I feel very sorry that you have been so badly duped.




OBL was dead when 9/11 happened....



and 10 of the 19 hyjackers are STILL alive???


So who the hell hijacked all those 'planes?'


Look up - 'Hi Mom, this is Mark Bingham, you do believe me don't you? Then have a look at Operation Northwoods..... And have a read about The Gulf of Tonkin which was the official catalyst for the Vietnam War....and ask yourself - what was the catalyst for the present Middle East Wars?

Another question is, why was building 7 blown up? And ''Who gained?'' Certainly not the Muslims who have had the s*** blown out of them for over 12 years!!!!

The AlQaeda were/are a CIA funded organisation. originally the name for the 'data base' of a group of Muhajadeens recruited,trained and funded by the CIA to repel the Russians from the Oil/Poppy fields in Afghanistan.


BBC’s killer documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“. Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-Qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al-Qaeda, a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after. This video documentary is off the hook…

When you have investigated all the links and read what I have posted then perhaps there will be a discussion to be had, instead of some of the ill informed knee jerk carp that has been written here..

Finally take a look at the 'Stop the War Coalition'


and read what award winning journalist John Pilger and Noam Chomsky the foremost intellectual in the world today says about Media Control: and take a peek at Professor Carole Quigley's book Tragedy and Hope... then.... just then, might you get an idea of the truth of this sordid business, that you have all been dragged into, and pass opinions about..

Sorry about the length of this post, but I believe that you all deserve a shot at the real truth rather than fabricated propaganda..

Finally... don't shoot the messenger, or call me names, which is childish. This information is out there for all to read. It is not my opinion... but well researched facts.

If you want to deny what I have written then please post some facts and links of your own to be discussed.



---------- Post added 14-05-2013 at 20:24 ----------



Garbage! In the US you are more likely to be killed in a road accident, a tornado, hurricane, or succumb to cancer, heart attack or chronic alcoholism





the only way THEY can argue with the trust is to call it rubish and use insults


my statement was correct

your more likly to be killed by a policemen than a bogey man terrosists

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**She was a victim of the 7/7 so has a bit more of a vested interest than you do.**


I see. I feel so very sorry for all the poor innocent people who were injured and died that day.. it must have been an absolutely traumatic experience for them and their families.

However, I am very interested to know who and what Rachel is; that people like you would be so convinced that she is an authority about what actually did happen on that terrible day - just by being there?



Having read her diaries, which she began the minute she was able to hold a pen on the day of the accident.

THURSDAY 7 JULY 2259 BST ( And wasted no time in telling her story to the waiting journos and stringers?) (I know - I didn't know what a stringer was either)

**I was on a crowded train to work. It was 8.40am when I boarded the rammed Piccadilly line train at Finsbury Park. Even more people got on at Kings Cross. It felt like the most crowded train ever. I was in the first carriage, behind the driver's carriage, standing by the doors - it was absolutely packed. Then, as we left Kings Cross, at about 8.55am, there was an almighty bang. There was screaming and groaning but we calmed each other and tried to listen to the driver. He told us he was going to take the train forward a little so he could get us out, after he had made sure the track wasn't live.

After about 20 to 30 minutes we started to leave the train. We tried to keep each other calm, I remember saying: "If anyone's boss gives them grief for being late, we know what to say to them, eh, girls?"

People laughed and we kept saying, "not long, it's the long walk to freedom, nearly there".


** More journos phoned yesterday...I must have given my mobile to the stringer (definition of Stringer - Category Journalism - part-time correspondent for a newspaper magazine etc.)

who was asking questions when I was wandering outside the hospital getting fresh air after being stitched still in shock. (So she is obviously involved in Journalism? How else would she know who/what a 'stringer' was?)

The Mail on Sunday and Metro wanted to send a photographer round! I said no way! I said I felt it was important to get witness statements out at the time as I was there and felt relatively un-traumatised, so I'd rather 'they spoke to me' than shoved their mikes and cameras in the faces of those who were shell-shocked or more injured.**



**After a ''detailed anti-terrorism staff interview'' I found out some stuff I needed to share.....................

I phoned the BBC to ask them where they got this information from, then I phoned the anti-terrorist hotline and gave a more detailed witness statement.**


(It would appear that she had an inside track to the BBC and was actually able to ask for answers to questions, before giving a more 'detailed witness statement'?.... I wonder; can you give me their numbers just off the cuff?)


I have no doubt that Rachel was on the train, and suffered injury and trauma... but how would this experience qualify her to give a credible insight into what happened throughout this event, or provide her with the information needed to judge the voracity of a particular 'theory' or debunk one in favour of another?

Unless of course she was 'recruited' to do so.....


What better spokesperson, than someone who had actually been involved in the bombings. We couldn't possibly disbelieve what she says in her debunking blog..... after all that would be disrespectful?

But think on... her opinion is just as viable, or not, as anyone else's... unless they have 'inside' information.


---------- Post added 15-05-2013 at 14:39 ----------


it wasn't that long ago, WE were friends with and funding the Taliban and al qaeda

and currently helping certain factions in these Arab spring countries



Hi Melthebell,

It is so good to meet another thinker..


**we can't talk about the moral high ground regarding helping terrorists

then there's the US funding the IRA**


And don't forget the Military Industrial Complex is funding and supplying arms to BOTH sides in any conflict.


I was going to let this one slide, but I can't. You suggest she was recruited ? By who ? To what end? Utter rubbish. As a survivor she wants the truth so has done her very best to seek it out. She would have been privy to far more information than you. She can approach experts from both view points - they'll even approach her. And she was there - that's not something to be tossed away. In fact had she come down on your "side" all the arguments ive just put forward would suddenly be ok.

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**She was a victim of the 7/7 so has a bit more of a vested interest than you do.**


I see. I feel so very sorry for all the poor innocent people who were injured and died that day.. it must have been an absolutely traumatic experience for them and their families.

However, I am very interested to know who and what Rachel is; that people like you would be so convinced that she is an authority about what actually did happen on that terrible day - just by being there?



Having read her diaries, which she began the minute she was able to hold a pen on the day of the accident.

THURSDAY 7 JULY 2259 BST ( And wasted no time in telling her story to the waiting journos and stringers?) (I know - I didn't know what a stringer was either)

**I was on a crowded train to work. It was 8.40am when I boarded the rammed Piccadilly line train at Finsbury Park. Even more people got on at Kings Cross. It felt like the most crowded train ever. I was in the first carriage, behind the driver's carriage, standing by the doors - it was absolutely packed. Then, as we left Kings Cross, at about 8.55am, there was an almighty bang. There was screaming and groaning but we calmed each other and tried to listen to the driver. He told us he was going to take the train forward a little so he could get us out, after he had made sure the track wasn't live.

After about 20 to 30 minutes we started to leave the train. We tried to keep each other calm, I remember saying: "If anyone's boss gives them grief for being late, we know what to say to them, eh, girls?"

People laughed and we kept saying, "not long, it's the long walk to freedom, nearly there".


** More journos phoned yesterday...I must have given my mobile to the stringer (definition of Stringer - Category Journalism - part-time correspondent for a newspaper magazine etc.)

who was asking questions when I was wandering outside the hospital getting fresh air after being stitched still in shock. (So she is obviously involved in Journalism? How else would she know who/what a 'stringer' was?)

The Mail on Sunday and Metro wanted to send a photographer round! I said no way! I said I felt it was important to get witness statements out at the time as I was there and felt relatively un-traumatised, so I'd rather 'they spoke to me' than shoved their mikes and cameras in the faces of those who were shell-shocked or more injured.**



**After a ''detailed anti-terrorism staff interview'' I found out some stuff I needed to share.....................

I phoned the BBC to ask them where they got this information from, then I phoned the anti-terrorist hotline and gave a more detailed witness statement.**


(It would appear that she had an inside track to the BBC and was actually able to ask for answers to questions, before giving a more 'detailed witness statement'?.... I wonder; can you give me their numbers just off the cuff?)


I have no doubt that Rachel was on the train, and suffered injury and trauma... but how would this experience qualify her to give a credible insight into what happened throughout this event, or provide her with the information needed to judge the voracity of a particular 'theory' or debunk one in favour of another?

Unless of course she was 'recruited' to do so.....


What better spokesperson, than someone who had actually been involved in the bombings. We couldn't possibly disbelieve what she says in her debunking blog..... after all that would be disrespectful?

But think on... her opinion is just as viable, or not, as anyone else's... unless they have 'inside' information.


---------- Post added 15-05-2013 at 14:39 ----------



I was going to let this one slide, but I can't. You suggest she was recruited ? By who ? To what end? Utter rubbish. As a survivor she wants the truth so has done her very best to seek it out. She would have been privy to far more information than you. She can approach experts from both view points - they'll even approach her. And she was there - that's not something to be tossed away. In fact had she come down on your "side" all the arguments ive just put forward would suddenly be ok.


Hello Tinfoil Hat,

I suggest that she was 'recruited' by the BBC, as an ideal candidate having been a victim.. after all we wouldn't want to disbelieve a victim would we? That would be very disrespectful.. Why - to create an obfuscation and keep us as far away from the truth as possible... Why - to keep the public believing that there are boggy men allover the place who want to kill us??? Why - To make the public support the call for these boggy men to be annihilated to save us?


In her own words....**After a ''detailed anti-terrorism staff interview'' I found out some stuff I needed to share** This statement gives it away? She was obviously a journalist who was primed, as were all of us as soon as it happened to believe that it was ''AlQaeda'' AGAIN. And to help with their intention to 'pin it on' the young men who thought they had been recruited to 'act' in a mock drill? Who being unfamiliar with London, were probably told to go down there and check out the timing and familiarise themselves with the script. Just like you would do if you were making a 'real' film.

Why have all the actors not come forward? Would you... if you thought that your actions could have contributed to the confusion, maiming and death of so many?

Within hours, before 'any' real evidence had emerged, we were flooded with talk of Terrorists and AlQaeda. And within days, we were shown the images of the young Asian men arriving at the stations. They were actually 'followed' by the cameras???? But it was amazing how some of these cameras had the dates 'out of order.' Have you ever considered how many young Asian men pass through those stations in one day? Yet they were able to photograph and identify these boys/men within days of this tragedy happening. And were able to tell you minute for minute what they were doing?????

I had my car stolen a few years ago, and they passed right in front of a police camera... guess what... they couldn't be identified despite them being in the only car on the road at 4am in the morning. But you expect me to believe that these Asian men were picked out within hours... Come on.... think carefully about it...


As it happens I do not have a side or an argument.... I read...... endlessly.... everything and anything. And have provided you with facts to enable you to get a better picture, and put two and two together yourself. If you see a flaw in a narrative.. you have every right to be suspicious, and no amount of insults can erase that, until you are satisfied that you have searched every avenue for answers.

Like I said before just take a look at Operation Northwoods,


Go on... open it and read.. then you will see where the 'idea' came from to pretend to kill innocent US citizens and create an outrage, to enable the US to go after their chosen bad guys.

Another revealing book to read is 'Why are we the Good Guys - Reclaiming your Mind' by David Cromwell.' I promise you, it won't harm you to be informed. It will just make you less susceptible to all the pernicious propaganda which we are sold daily, to enable the Moneyed Elite to continue their Wars, against those who have been chosen this year, to plunder and oppress.

By the way, the name you have chosen for yourself defines your stance/side immediately.

My advice to you, if you want to be considered a credible debater, is to scrap the nom, and keep your eyes, ears, and mind well and truly open, and take NO sides, because neither you nor I will ever be privy to the truth... but we are able to seek, collect information, and cross reference, if we choose to be enlightened.

That is our absolute right.


---------- Post added 16-05-2013 at 14:54 ----------


Hi Tinfoil Hat,

Another case to consider in the riddle of 7/7is the Jean Charles de Menezes case.


I can't imagine that you will investigate this, so I will post some of the article for you.


**COP SUES OVER DE MENEZES COVER-UP 27 August 2011 A Christian counter-terrorism officer involved in the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes is suing the Metropolitan Police over allegations that Senior Officers tried to cover-up vital evidence.

He says his faith compelled him to blow the whistle and he is now claiming thousands of pounds for loss of overtime pay and promotions after Special Branch bosses allegedly side-lined him.

One allegation involves anti-terror officers perverting justice by replacing a Chief Inspector with another to give more favourable evidence at the 2008 inquest into de Menezes’s death.**


**On a visit to Stockwell tube, passing the rather touching shrine to De Mendezes, one is stared at by an uncountable number of CCTV cameras, as if trying by sheer number to make up for the fact that ''none of them were allegedly working'', on that fateful day.

All the things that the public were told about De Menezes swiftly turned out to be untrue – that he was wearing a bulky jacket that ‘might’ have contained something underneath it (whereas he was merely wearing a blue denim suit) that wires were protruding from underneath his jacket, that he ran from his pursuers and leapt over the ticket barrier, not stopping when ordered to, and that his 6-month visa to be over here had expired. etc.

‘Bomber is Shot dead’ screamed the Evening Standard headline that same evening.


First, here are a couple of conjectures, which may – or indeed may not – be helpful:

1. Muad’Dib in his Ripple Effect:

“We are told that the first reports were of an 'electrical power-surge' that occurred, and then later we were told that there were bombs that exploded on the tube-trains, and that it was an Al Quaeda terrorist attack, with Muslim suicide-bombers carrying backpack home-made explosive-devices onto the tube-trains....

“A couple of weeks later, a Brazilian Contract Electrician is brutally and publicly murdered, on a tube-train, and again we are told lies by the police and media, about him.

He was a contract electrician.

For whom had he been working, and what had he been working on, in the days leading up to the 7th of July 2005?

Remember that the first reports from the media about 7/7/2005 were of an 'electrical power-surge', and Jean Charles de Menezes was a contract electrician.

Was he hired, as part of the terrorist exercise’s 1000 people, to wire up devices for mock-explosions, to be set off by a power-surge?

Did he see the explosive-devices being fastened under the tube-train carriage floors, and later realise what had really happened, and was starting to talk about it?

“Did THEY (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) publicly execute him, to shut him up, and as a warning to others to keep their mouths shut?

We have been unable to find out where he worked.

We know about his cousins who live in London, and his family coming over from Brazil, but we do not know where he worked. Why?”


2. The remarkably insightful Anonymous (who sounds like an Israeli professor (3)), and is ''learned about false-flag terror:''

‘It is unlikely that the police shot Mr de Menezes, the Brazilian electrician, because he knew too much.

The Government surely had its own operatives who could wire fake or real bombs if necessary.

This shooting reinforces the theory that the Government was unaware of the 21/7 plot, which was purely a political protest albeit one which played into the Government’s hands.

But it is true that eleven shots at point blank range – “marksmen” missing altogether in three cases with bullets lodged in the carriage, plus another shot to the shoulder – suggests that not only was there deliberate intent to kill, but they knew full well there was 'zero risk of an explosion.'

The police would have been under political pressure to come up with at least one of the 21/7 culprits within a very short space of time. Selecting a foreigner for the hit, they were gambling that there would be no credible eyewitnesses, (because they would have been frightened and confused) and that the target had no relatives or had poor relatives who could be bought off, and that the target was a Muslim.

There were two overwhelming reasons for ensuring that Mr de Menezes was allowed to get on the train rather than shot on the streets of London:

(i) Guaranteed “failure” of CCTV and minimal witnesses, or witnesses too terrified to speak out. Police would instantly seize videotapes or discs, bringing them back later and claiming that there was “nothing on them”; the system must have been “not working”. A suitable large magnet, heater, or hammer would do the trick…

(ii) The police could use the excuse of losing radio contact with their control; thus the decision to shoot had to be taken by field officers.**




The finger of accusation points at the Army’s new ''Special Reconnaissance Regiment'' set up in April of 2005, only months before the London bombings. The group responsible appears to be above the law, in that they do not have to answer to anyone:

This take-out is the signature of a Special Forces Operation. It is not the way the police usually do things…. this has special forces written all over it.

According to security sources, SRR personnel were involved in the tailing operation that saw de Menezes leave the block of flats, board a bus, and then enter the tube station at Stockwell. SRR personnel are also believed to have been on the tube train when he was shot. (Sunday herald 21.8.05)

The Times commented on the type of gun which one of the agents was seen with: ''The Heckler & Kock G3K rifle was a weapon only used by Special Forces and SAS/SBS'' it explained – NOT by the SO19, the ‘Special Operations’ anti-terror branch of the Met.

People commented that the much-feared dum-dum bullets used could not have been available to SO19 armed police, being illegal in mainland UK police operations.

One felt that the Met much desired to be allowed to deny they had any role in the killing – but they just could not, they had to shoulder the blame. In the telling phrase of Michael Chossudovsky,

Essentially what we are dealing with is the formation of a 'death squadron mentality' under the auspices of what is stilled officially considered a “civilian police force”.

That was the horror of the situation. And, that ‘death squad’ must have known very well that De Menezes was not wearing a suicide vest, because of the manner in which he was tackled on the floor of the Stockwell tube train. Quoting the ex-police officer Andrew McGregor:**


In a World of Deceit; Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act - George Orwell

Read and be free.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The problem is that there is massive brainwashing going on with these home grown terrorists. They go to our universities then pay this country back by doing things like 7/7 .It is disgusting !

Also people like Tony Blair don't help by listening to idiots like Bush & then invading Iraq in the first place. The problem is people like Blair & Bush are full of themselves which is a very dangerous trait to have. Now we are paying the price. I do believe that Pakistan is a danger to us because I just don't trust them because at the end of the day they do harbour terrorists & there is no doubt about that in my mind.

And while there is oil there will be power struggles . No doubt about that

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The problem is that there is massive brainwashing going on with these home grown terrorists. They go to our universities then pay this country back by doing things like 7/7 .It is disgusting !

Also people like Tony Blair don't help by listening to idiots like Bush & then invading Iraq in the first place. The problem is people like Blair & Bush are full of themselves which is a very dangerous trait to have. Now we are paying the price. I do believe that Pakistan is a danger to us because I just don't trust them because at the end of the day they do harbour terrorists & there is no doubt about that in my mind.

And while there is oil there will be power struggles . No doubt about that


While Pakistan is very two-faced, lets remember they have lost more soldiers than any other whilst fighting the Taliban.

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The new Pakistan govt. are about to launch armed unmanned aircraft over the United States, to take out enemies of the Pakistan state. They're saying some innocent American lives will no doubt be lost; but that's acceptable to them.



This is a compliment, with a quote like that your talents are wasted, you should be a journalist


---------- Post added 14-06-2013 at 16:47 ----------


Do as you would be drone by?

As far as I know, no USA religious group has declared holy war- or a worldwide murder campaign- on anyone in Pakistan.


No not yet they haven't!


Mind you does the crazy preacher who threatened to burn copies of the Koran count?

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The new Pakistan govt. are about to launch armed unmanned aircraft over the United States, to take out enemies of the Pakistan state. They're saying some innocent American lives will no doubt be lost; but that's acceptable to them.



This is a compliment, with a quote like that your talents are wasted, you should be a journalist


---------- Post added 14-06-2013 at 16:47 ----------



No not yet they haven't!


Mind you does the crazy preacher who threatened to burn copies of the Koran count?


About as crazy as the nut jobs among the Muslim community in Europe who go on the rampage, burning stores, threatening death to the people who draw pictures of the Prophet Mohammed

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