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Finding and accepting yourself.

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Don't know about 'going through' a mid-life crisis. He could be just at the end of one. Or maybe the recent breakdown has made him appreciate what he's got and can be proud of. It's called counting your blessings and it's all healthy. :)


I'm still changing (career and other things) and have alot of self-discovery to do yet. It's all good to look back on though when you get to the other side. When I get to my parents age I'll probably look back and laugh at the things I worry about now. *sigh*

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Sam - look back over your 48 years and take some time to seriously appreciate all the best things you've achieved - now realise how incredible you are to have done all that cool stuff and ask yourself, are you done? is there nothing else you really want to do or see or have that you haven't yet?


Sit down with the ones you love and do some dream building - share ideas of what you're happy with and want more of. Start making simple plans to achieve more of what you want in life and get out there and make your life mean something more!!!


You know you deserve it ;)

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It's six years ago to the day since my dad's funeral. perhaps this has brought on my gloom! Anyway, this is a poem I wrote just after he died.


A Strange Time in My Life


…There was a strange time in my life

of blinkered hope

of disbelief.

Those wrenching thoughts

of death dismissed…

Need Mother there to say goodnight

to soothe me through the storms of life.

Future scenes

drawn from the past

that Christmas was to be her last.


…There was a strange time in my life

though fourteen years had bridged the pain.

Those cold-chill thoughts of death ignored…

Need Father there to give advice

To make me think not once but twice.

Blind faith

in what the future brings

he never reached the waiting spring.



…And in the strange times in my life

despair and hope stand side by side.

Though wiser feet

Now tread life’s path…

Do words of wisdom etched inside

mean higher mountains can be climbed?

The present is the place to be .

It lasts for all eternity.

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I know where you are coming from ( i think).

My moment of revelation happened about 4 years ago when I had my daughter and her father rejected her. It made me realise how important your friends and your family are, unconditional love is the only thing that got me and my daughter through all the badness that happened.

Now I realise its the people in my life that count, image and materialism really does not matter.


Another book which I can totally recommend is "Veronica decides to die" by Paulo Cohelo, it totally makes the point that life is for living, no matter what you do.

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'Veronika decides to die' is a great book!

I also recommend one called 'Inner Beauty'.

No, it is not some beauty book for girls, but one that takes 25 human qualities and has a page dedicated to each one explaining their meaning, their importance and value, and how to recognise and develop these qualities in yourself. It is not a self-help book, but a series of beautifully written passages. It really does make you feel human!

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