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Father Christmas at the Co op


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When I take my kids to see Santa it's nothing like the one in Co op where I used to go. It was right on the top floor and you could see the queue going right down the stairs through the windows on the side of the building. When you got there you actually got on a ride that rocked from side to side and the paper walls moved so you thought you really had arrived in lapland. The ones these days are rubbish, bring back proper Father Christmas rides!!!

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I used to love going to that Santa's grotto. The walls moved so that it appeared like the sleigh was in motion and I think there were reindeer at the front that galloped too. It wasn't that convincing, in hindsight, but at the time - in the pre-Christmas fever of excitiment - disbelief was not too difficult suspend! And I remember getting a pretty decent toy at the end of it - value for money!!

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When i was 16 i did work experience at Castle House and had to take a turn running the ride to Santa's Grotto. I hated it. The music always went wrong, once the lights went down the kids always starting screaming and the Santa when i was there was a miserable git. It just shows the power of nostalgia.

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:help: Help! :help: Someone help me! :help: We've got 3 forummers talking about Santa! :confused:


What next? People changing their avatars again to reflect the Christmas season? :huh:


Oh heck - just checked the calendar, and realised that there's only 320 days left for Christmas shopping! :rolleyes: Better make my list of presents now! :wink:

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Which Co-op? Sheffield and Ecclesall HQ or Brightside and Carbrook HQ? I used to go to the Sheffield and Ecclesall before and during the second world war because my dad would dismantle my quite large ‘O’ Gauge model electric railway layout and loan in to the S & E. It went into a smaller building of theirs at the side, and made my dad money — and them too with the sale of rolling stock!

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I took my little boy to Castle House Grotto the christmas before last. It was still the same as last year and was absolutly fantastic.

This year we went to the Graves Park Grotto, he was a lovely Father Christmas, I'd reccomend him too.

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In view of my religion of the chubby donkey,I take deep insult in the term Father Christmas,it sould read father of all holidays and vacations including my chubby donkey,I;m still waiting for people to send cash to

www dum ass.How long must I wait

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