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Ian Duncan Smith

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Might I presume you are one of the people affected?


Browns policies on tax and spend, selling the gold, and wilful refusal to understand what was happening to the economy affected everybody, but I don't see the hordes of people wanting him tried for crimes. Is that because of the colour of underpants?

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Might I presume you are one of the people affected?


Browns policies on tax and spend, selling the gold, and wilful refusal to understand what was happening to the economy affected everybody.


The recession was worldwide and caused by the bankers. Or are you going to blame the worldwide recession on Brown?

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Everyone makes mistakes, but it doesn't mean that we have to say nothing and IDS is a horrible man who is trying to make everyone believe that disabillity does not exist.


Are we going to get an answer to the question or are you just going to spout platitudes?


---------- Post added 16-05-2013 at 17:23 ----------


The recession was worldwide and caused by the bankers. Or are you going to blame the worldwide recession on Brown?


It's not worldwide, it wasnt necessarily caused by the bankers but they make a convenient scapegoat for the dull of thinking. And I don't think Brown caused it, although he sure as hell made it so that it was much more difficult to recover from it.


Remember Prudence? And No more boom and bust? Brown was known to be inept at managing a recession as soon as those words left his lips.

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I'll spout whatever I want, but the tories policy of divide and conquer is winning. People are dying as a result of his policies!


No they are not. Who specifically is dying as a result. What specifically is causing said person to die. What has that specifically got to do with IDS and the rest of the government policies.


Boo hoo. He has cut benefits amount to those with an unused room. GOOD. I pay for the house I can afford to live in. If I cant afford extra rooms I would have to downgrade.


Boo hoo. He has cut some disability benefit. Good. Some people were completely milking the system. "Disability" is a very loose term. It does not automatically mean that you cannot work. It does not automatically mean that you are totally and utterly housebound. It does not mean that you cannot self travel on public transport or even drive.


This is 2013. There are such things as DDA compliance, reasonable adjustments, flexible working arrangements, support workers, enabling dogs and hundreds of other features and fixtures that could allow someone to continue working.


Before anyone jumps on my back with the predictable "walk in their shoes" nonesense let me tell you. I have family relatives both with mental health issues. One has severe learning difficulties, cannot manage his own affairs, cannot read or write, cannot self travel. Guess what.... He works three days a week full time thus receiving a reduced benefit amount and earning their way in the world.


The other has other mental health issues which has had them in and out of hospital and care... guess what they returned to work each and every time they were fit to. Reduced hours and when required a support worker with them allowed this.


The same goes for physical disabilities. Society both with attitudes and physical features is becoming more and more accommodating each and every day. The recent paralympics clearly showed what people can do. The phrase is the ABILITY in disability.


The support will always be there. Those in genuine need will always be cared for. The laws will always ensure that.


However, the state does not owe someone a life. The state cannot continue spending spending and spending. There is a whole load more to the recession than just the predictable "bankers caused it" whine. Something had to give and the current government are one of the first in many years to have to balls to admit the problem and ATTEMPT to do something about it. Im not saying they are doing everything right. Not at all.


However, dont ever try to kid me that essentially services to those in REAL need will go away. There is always help for those who seek it out and are prepared to use it.


So whose dying again?

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