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Life on Other Planets

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I am from the belief that planet Earth cannot be the only planet with life on it.


There has to be other planets with water or bacteria that will inevitably breed life somewhere in this universe.


As mentioned on Jurassic Park, life always finds a way no matter how trivial or remote the situations may be.


I think aliens have already visited us and these aliens could quite conceivably be us human beings from a future generation.


After all, us humans have evolved from hairy hunter gatherers to slim beings now, only next step is the generic alien form we have all seen.


There just has to be some things that are true and we cannot be the only ones, the truth is out there, we are not alone.

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I am from the belief that planet Earth cannot be the only planet with life on it.


There has to be other planets with water or bacteria that will inevitably breed life somewhere in this universe.


As mentioned on Jurassic Park, life always finds a way no matter how trivial or remote the situations may be.


I think aliens have already visited us and these aliens could quite conceivably be us human beings from a future generation.


After all, us humans have evolved from hairy hunter gatherers to slim beings now, only next step is the generic alien form we have all seen.


There just has to be some things that are true and we cannot be the only ones, the truth is out there, we are not alone.



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I've met an alien, he was here to try and warn us to prepare for the coming onslaught.

Thing is we're one of hundreds of planets "seeded" for alien sustenance, and they will return to farm us one day, it's just a matter of time. :)

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I am from the belief that planet Earth cannot be the only planet with life on it.


There has to be other planets with water or bacteria that will inevitably breed life somewhere in this universe.


As mentioned on Jurassic Park, life always finds a way no matter how trivial or remote the situations may be.


I think aliens have already visited us and these aliens could quite conceivably be us human beings from a future generation.


After all, us humans have evolved from hairy hunter gatherers to slim beings now, only next step is the generic alien form we have all seen.


There just has to be some things that are true and we cannot be the only ones, the truth is out there, we are not alone.


I must be due for a trip to Spec Savers.:hihi:

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I think he's referring to either himself, or the Aliens we've all seen in the media.


I have no doubt there is another life form out there, it's just a shame there isn't any yet discovered in the foreseeable Universe. There has been countless articles, papers and reports about planets discovered that have a possibility of harboring life to say with conviction that we are the only life.

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Of course there are Aliens!


I was teaching in a School in Northants in 1994, I was asked to 'cover' a class of 11 year olds. - Their regular teacher was away doing something else. She had set them some work.


They had all seen 'Men in Black' and had to write an essay on the film.


I asked them: "Do you think there are aliens here?"


I got a range of answers. - ranging from 'No Way!' to 'Err ... possibly.'


I said: "Let me put your minds at rest. There are indeed aliens - but they are required to register their presence. They can't just wander around doing whatever they like."


There were varied responses to that.


I then took out my wallet, took a card out of the wallet and passed it around.


When I got it back, there was a deathly hush and a number of wide-eyed people sitting very still.


The card was off-white with blue lettering (which is probably why it's called a 'Green Card'.)


Across the top, it says (in large capital letters: ) ' Resident Alien'

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