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Your Solicitor Should be Your Choice-Lets Make Sure it Stays That Way!

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People dislike solicitors until they need one. I know several and believe or not their wage is nothing like you'd imagine. Average house, ten year old hand me down car. Don't believe everything you read, and if you do, don't just stick your head in the sand because it doesn't affect you


I like you a lot.


Some lawyers earn lots. A hell of a lot don't. I live in S2 and drive a ten year old car. I earn far, far from what people expect. A fair few of the people in my team earn less than 20k. Substantially less.


That doesn't have the same media impact though as stories about rich lawyers.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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The attitudes on this thread are rather disgusting if I'm honest. A lot of people are about to lose their jobs because the government wants to save money on a system that needs more money put into it to be fixed.


People think crime has gone down 30% in the last few years. It hasn't, just more and more people are being given cautions and fixed penalty notices for more and more serious offences purely to save money on court costs and police wages. That's not how the justice system should work.


Regardless of what you think about solicitors or the people being arrested the fact people are losing their jobs should be enough to make you think about signing. The fact that people are going to be unable to choose who represents them is just rediculous. We can't give someone a fair trial if you are going to then dictate who they have to defend them. That's not a fair trial, everyone should be free to choose who they want defending them.


I myself have been arrested twice, both times for things I had not done, and have been lucky enough to have someone who I knew was good at their job defending me. What might have happened if I had been given someone who didn't care as they were getting paid through their contract regardless of outcome? I could have ended up being charged and have a criminal record for something I shouldn't have.


That's the situation we are looking at, how can we trust in a fair system when people can't even have the simple right of choosing who defends them?


Also dismissing this whole thing because you believe solicitors already earn too much is an insanely narrow minded view of the world. They don't earn as much as you think and believe it or not, most of them are good people who want to help the right people. Generalising them all as money hungry is offensive to be honest. As is calling people leeches on government funds. I was falsely arrested and had committed no crimes, does that make me a leech? Or does that make me someone that deserved and required help?


Please don't make such callous or inconsiderate comments like that in a situation like this.

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that just makes you not a good solicitor and have no good cliental, If you was any good, you would have start your own or work for a large law firm instead of working in no blame no claim type of operation


You're an idiot.


I won't explain or say which firm I work for but you're wrong and have no idea what you're talking about.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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What ever i am not the one who is a solicitor

'. I live in S2 and drive a ten year old car. I earn far, far from what people expect. A fair few of the people in my team earn less than 20k. Substantially less.

I get more on benefit in real term then a solicitor :hihi:


You will soon be crying when all the welfare benefits advisors, legal aid solicitors, crime laywers and police station advocates all grafting on p*ss poor wages to help people like you get made redundant and all pop off to corporate firms.


Off to the government controlled, biased communal legal centre with their understaffed and oversubscribed operations with you....


How you fancy that eh? A government controlled, G4S/A4E/Crapita operated legal advice service. Good luck with that.

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I stay on right side of law and have never need a solicitor, why would i sign :huh:


So did I but still got falsely arrested. If that happened to you would you rather be safe in the knowledge you can choose who you think is going to do the best of their ability or be stuck with someone that's going to half ass it and potentially let you get blamed for something you didn't do?

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So did I but still got falsely arrested. If that happened to you would you rather be safe in the knowledge you can choose who you think is going to do the best of their ability or be stuck with someone that's going to half ass it and potentially let you get blamed for something you didn't do?


I or any of my friend has ever been arrested, why would police pick on you if you are innocent?

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dont sign, dont let those people drain the goverment funds


your signature is spooky.....

i was S65 and am now S5.

still working out which is the frying pan and which is the fire!!

I now vote UKIP (monster raving loony party not big around here).

and yes.... i have been seen on film "dressed" as a clown.... a naked clown!

hmmm.... cant wait to become PM.



back to the subject.... legal aid solicitors (at least the one who transcribed my defence story then forgot to tell his mate who he sent to defend me) are less useful than the village idiot. they just want to grab the max out of the funding and get out. sod the defendant.

i'm not big on petitions but i would agree that the whole legal system needs turning on its head. if they were paid 20% and got the other 80% if their client was content with their representation, it might help. remember solicitors are there to make a profit, regardless of the outcome.

when i become PM, it will be sorted out good and proper.

watch this space!

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