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Company in bed last night

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I know I am opening myself for " heaven knows what " ,but I want to know if anyone else has had this experience . Last night I was fast asleep & all of a sudden felt someone cuddling me at the side of me. And Yes I am single !!! . I could hear myself shouting go away & leave me alone. They did for a while but then came back I didn't feel at all threatened but just annoyed. I sleep on my left side so felt myself moving onto my back & it stopped . It is not the first time this has happened . Just want to see if this is just me

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An ex of mine used to feel like someone was holding her down by her shoulders and she couldnt move or sometimes she felt like someone was stood over her bed watching her.


Its a dream like state where your half asleep, half awake. Where your mind is putting you in a situation but your body is not reacting.


Its very much like sleep walking.

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It sounds like Sleep Paralysis to me, I get all the time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis


Oh I had this once - all of a sudden there was a huge (3 feet across) spider on the bed next to me. It was as if I was awake and it was totally real and completely terrifying, I couldn't move. Suddenly I snapped out of it and leapt out of bed at the speed of light. It was bloody awful. Luckily not happened since.

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It sounds like Sleep Paralysis to me, I get all the time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis


This is something I get quite often, never knew it had a name for it.


Usually I think I've head somebody come in the house or coming up the stairs, no matter how much I will myself to wake up properly to investigate, I just can't move.

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I sometimes get a feeling that something is holding me in the bed, I need to get up but something won't let me, or I'm trying to shout out but I can't make a noise.


Usually happens just as I'm falling asleep, eventually I wake up. When I've mentioned what's happened to my partner she says I'm restless or unsettled just before I wake up.

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This is something I get quite often, never knew it had a name for it.


Usually I think I've head somebody come in the house or coming up the stairs, no matter how much I will myself to wake up properly to investigate, I just can't move.


That's similar to my experiance.

I woke one night, around about 4.30, having sensed that someone or something had entered my apartment building. It passed through the entry door, up two flights of stairs and through the door to my flat at great speed. Once in the flat it slowed down, entered my bedroom and then I felt a weight on my legs, as though somebody was sitting on them, I was well awake by this time. I then felt, what felt like, a hand rest on my body. I had no feeling of fear or distress, but I did note that I was having an adrenaline rush.

Eventually, whatever it was went away, I had a sense of it leaving the room, but also dissipating like smoke as it left. I didn't go back to sleep after that.

This happened within a few days of the tragic death of my younger sister, so yes, I did connect the two things. Although, whether it was caused by stress or was my sis saying "goodbye" I don't want to speculate.

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I know I am opening myself for " heaven knows what " ,but I want to know if anyone else has had this experience . Last night I was fast asleep & all of a sudden felt someone cuddling me at the side of me. And Yes I am single !!! . I could hear myself shouting go away & leave me alone. They did for a while but then came back I didn't feel at all threatened but just annoyed. I sleep on my left side so felt myself moving onto my back & it stopped . It is not the first time this has happened . Just want to see if this is just me


Sounds like a ghost is trying to put the willies up you.

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