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Advice on brothers situation

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Hi all.

Ive want to get peoples opinions on my brothers domestic situation.

Hes married with no kids and him and his wife have always had a good relationship. Shes a bit controlling for my liking but a decent enough girl. Anyway, he told me that for the last year or so shes been hitting him. Of course i thought he was having me on and i took to calling him Tyrone for a few days but he collard me on monday and told me he was for real. Hes got lots of marks and bruises and scratches. Its not pretty.

I told him to ring the law and he said he did, twice but both times they came he was the one they made leave the house. He said she put on the water works, told them sob story and they swallowed it both times. I was a bit stuck for advice after hearing that so i told him to either leave or belt her back. A good smack in the mouth might stop her from ever hitting him again.

Or it could give her lots of ammo to get him in lumber.

Im really stuck for what else to tell him.

Any advice?

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He needs to get expert help from sympathetic people.

Even though we talk about it more female on male domestic violence is still open to the old-fashioned attitudes (well meaning but not helpful ) as you said he doesn't want to do anything that would cast doubt on who is the victim here.


Good luck fella.



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Thanks for your posts guys.

Ive spoken to my brother, things have taken a turn for the worst.

I cant go into it in too much detail but she went for him again, threw his medals through the window then attacked him with a stiletto shoe. He snapped and smacked her in the face.

Hes now facing charges so with that in mind i cant really say anything else about it.

Its a shame, hes a nice bloke who got with a nasty piece of work and his life hasnt been the same since.

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