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What's your fondest memory of 60's sheffield

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The 1966 World Cup, and practising my schoolboy German on the occupants of the VW Beetles that descended on Hillsborough. Ron Springett's team had been to Wembley a couple of months earlier, but the least said about that the better....:(

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,.................meeting a friend at the Stone House Saturday lunchtime, then having coffe at the Sidewalk, (Dave Berry was a regular there!) then having afternoon tea in Cockaynes, then out with our boy friends Saturday night!!! Good memeories and happy days!!

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born in 61 I was only a child in the sixties lol

don't have a lot of memories but the best ones are.... just playin outside...making dens, sledging, makin mud pies, hols in skeggy or blackpool, sweet shops oh I could go on and on :)

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My best friend Jean. We live in different countries now but are still BFFE even after 50 years . The Mojo club. Bell bottom jeans Levis of course with cat bells down the side of the outer legs. Drinking brandy & babysham out in Derbyshire with lads from the Square Circles band. The fantastic music of the 60's mostly Motown & the Beatles. The fashion was incredible mini skirts, knee length boots. Maxi coats. How lucky we were to be teenagers in the 60's living in the UK I don't think anything could equal it for teenagers. Sheffield was a great place to be back then wasn't it?

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The music, the beer, the girls, places to visit, foreign holidays, the cars, the freedom. I was between 17 and 27 in the 60's and it all happened then. I could write a book, and probably should.

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