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Bloated Stomach Cures

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Hello, being a frequent sufferer of IBS and having trouble passing and often get constipated, probably caused by stress connected with depression.


My stomach gets bloated and often get gassy, also, when I pass down there I bleed a lot too, quite a nervous system and body I have.


When I pass it is never every day, maybe after a few days, it is often hard and hurts like knives, sometimes it is stodgy and dark and takes forever to wipe, I find that when I nearly starve myself that my body just runs way better and everything kind of syncs together better, instead of my bowel having to readjust itself every day when food is entering the intestine, sorry for anyone who has had their supper but am sure others feel like this. :(


I was wondering if there are certain foods to avoid or things I can use to settle my tummy and maybe make me feel better as well.

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You could try more fruit, vegetables and water. These will help you become more regular. If you've noticed that you are bleeding, you may have piles. Go to the Docs just to make sure, blood from the rectum should be investigated.


Milk of Magnesium is good to settle the tummy. Avoid spicy foods, they'll only aggravate things


I know that you've posted before about stress and depression, this being the likely cause of your stomach complaint. Try things like gentle exercise, yoga and swimming. These will help greatly, as will various online resources like mood gym etc.

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Yes taken Zumba classes but could do with another day of exercise, I would love to go swimming have not been for years.


Shall have to book myself in down town in the proper lanes not the kids pool, swim till my body aches.

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Try a gluten free diet for a week or two. Gluten intolerance causes bloating, wind, unpleasant toilet trips and a lot of discomfort.

Perhaps start by cutting out bread, pastry and pasta. See if that helps.


Well, never thought of gluten, may have an intolerance with it.


Going without bread will be a hassle but I suppose I could have fillings wrapped in lettuce instead of bread.


Pasta and pastry hardly ever have but may as well cut them out.

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