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Bloated Stomach Cures

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I'm afraid I know absolutely nothing about IBS except the discomfort it causes. Yes, I realise 'discomfort' may be something of an understatement!

Anyway, try things like herbal teas, it sounds like an increase of fluids may be needed and you don't want to be having too much caffeine. Certain herbal teas etc can help to settle the stomach; peppermint, fennel and ginger are all good.

Hope you find some relief

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You could try more fruit, vegetables and water. These will help you become more regular. If you've noticed that you are bleeding, you may have piles. Go to the Docs just to make sure, blood from the rectum should be investigated.


Milk of Magnesium is good to settle the tummy. Avoid spicy foods, they'll only aggravate things


I know that you've posted before about stress and depression, this being the likely cause of your stomach complaint. Try things like gentle exercise, yoga and swimming. These will help greatly, as will various online resources like mood gym etc.


Excellent advice. Avoid chewing gum, fizzy drinks and wear loose fitting clothing too. Some people find garlic irritates their IBS.

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