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Petty rules and jobsworths

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No you don't have to do anything.

Just accept a rule,apparently contrary to the legal requirement,and which makes both your job and the customers life more difficult.

Sometimes you just have to question what you are told to do.


Im sure every job and profession has rules, regulations and policys in place for a whole host of reasons, and its highly possible that average joe on the street wouldnt agree with most of them but if you work in any of these places , as an employee, you are expected to adhere to them, the point im making to every one on here thinkin im the antichrist cos I wont show you the fags is instead of aiming insults and names at the employee take it up with management and the people who think these rules up, otherwise your just being nasty to someone trying to do a days work the way they have been told to do it


---------- Post added 21-05-2013 at 17:54 ----------


It's the only word that springs to mind about people who make these thoughtless rules just to get one over on the smokers, I repeat as in Sainburys why not put the price list on the counter in front of you, NO! they put it down the other end so you have to leave the que, then in some cases people have to then wrestle with the small print, what should I call these inconsiderate people who make these rules.:huh:


We dont do this where I work and would not dream of making someone queue twice, we hand the pricelist to the customer and wait while they choose then carry on with the transaction, and as its been in force for a while and most are aware of it some customers request the list to look at while they queue, in regards to the size of the print, staff have mentioned it in admin and larger print is available at our store, I cant comment on sainsburys that you shopped at

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I went to B&Q to buy some evo stik glue to do some upholstery on one of my old cars I thought I would go and get two or three tins. I looked all over the place for it but I could not find it so I went to the counter and asked about it.the assistant gave me a sort of little card and said take that to the check out and they will give you it, I said can I have two of the tins please he said you can only have one tin at a time.so if I walk out with one tin then come back for another will you let me have another one then?well I supose so was the answer,so why cant I just have the two tins now then and save all the messing about I mean do I look like a glue sniffer or somthing,we are onley alowed to give one tin out at a time sory its the rules of the store,so I said shove it Ile go somwhere else,I went to the local DIY shop at the end of the road and they let me have the tins of glue no fuss I should have gone there in the first place.

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A great point. mind you some idiot will state there is a law saying the print HAS to be a certain size, that would make my day. :hihi:


There is a law saying exactly that.


The Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Display) (England) Regulations 2010


Section 8




(b)is printed—

(i)in black Helvetica plain type on a white background,

(ii)in a font size consistent throughout the text with characters which are no higher than 4 millimetres, and

(iii)in lower case type, except that the first letter of a word may be in upper case type;

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Im sure every job and profession has rules, regulations and policys in place for a whole host of reasons, and its highly possible that average joe on the street wouldnt agree with most of them but if you work in any of these places , as an employee, you are expected to adhere to them, the point im making to every one on here thinkin im the antichrist cos I wont show you the fags is instead of aiming insults and names at the employee take it up with management and the people who think these rules up, otherwise your just being nasty to someone trying to do a days work the way they have been told to do it


---------- Post added 21-05-2013 at 17:54 ----------



We dont do this where I work and would not dream of making someone queue twice, we hand the pricelist to the customer and wait while they choose then carry on with the transaction, and as its been in force for a while and most are aware of it some customers request the list to look at while they queue, in regards to the size of the print, staff have mentioned it in admin and larger print is available at our store, I cant comment on sainsburys that you shopped at


Just in regard to the small print: It's really microscopic (Asda)...and I simply can't read it...It's slightly embarrassing when you get older. Nobody likes to admit your eyes are failing. So you just shrug and move along!...How about making a suggestion in regard to this? I know you're only doing a job, and have to stick with the rules. But as far as I know, most supermarkets have an employee suggestion box...or whatever...Maybe an A4 folder? In bigger print? That's readily available? So people don't have to ask...can I have the numpty list please?


---------- Post added 21-05-2013 at 19:55 ----------


There is a law saying exactly that.


The Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Display) (England) Regulations 2010


Section 8




(b)is printed—

(i)in black Helvetica plain type on a white background,

(ii)in a font size consistent throughout the text with characters which are no higher than 4 millimetres, and

(iii)in lower case type, except that the first letter of a word may be in upper case type;


Four millimeters?...For god's sake!!!...I despair!

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That's the trouble with many rules and regulations.

They start off as a reasonable idea to be policed by reasonable people.

Then they get writ in stone and common sense is sacrificed "because it's against the rules"

Just as a matter of interest I did pose the same question at another supermarket regarding having a look at their selection of cigars.

"they're all there" she said as she slid the door open.

A good few hours later I am still not tempted to go and buy some for my own consumption.

And another nonsensical thing.

I called in at Morrisons at Catcliffe to fill up with diesel.

When I went to pay,their tobacco display is open to view.This must, I assume ,be because the sales area of this section is classed as a separate entity from the shop.


---------- Post added 21-05-2013 at 21:53 ----------


This thread should have been entitled:

The misinterpretation of the law by jobsworths.


Think you are probably right.

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Four millimeters?...For god's sake!!!...I despair!


Tell me about it, the sort of nanny state rubbish you'd expect from the last lot.


On the plus side if your eyesights not so clever you can sue them under the disability discrimination act for big pounds!

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I think the shutters are a nonsense. Personally I think it's just a way of saying "ooh look, we're doing something to combat smoking" whilst privately saying "come on, we need to be seen to do something but we don't want you Mr Cigarette Manufacturer to lose sales and stop tax revenue"


I started smoking because I wanted to (I'm glad I gave up many years later too) but I didn't start because it used to be standard practice to allow me to buy cigs for my mum (which went straight to her), or because the packs looked pretty. My first cig at 17 was a decidedly unglamorous Red Band, and I soon switched to rollups when a pack of 20 rose past £2.50


But you can't complain at a low paid "if you don't do as you're told there are plenty of others who'll take your place" shop assistant for not following the regulations given by the employer


Call her a jobsworth if you will. But her job is worth more to her than your cigar.

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