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Oklahoma Tornado

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Why.... do you think a god had anything to do with it?


Not at all but it is amazing how the nations that seem to get constantly destroyed by Tsunamis, earthquakes, storms and volcanos do.

Perhaps they pray to the wrong god and get up the nose of one of the others who brings down divine retribution, or more likely they are just barking up the wrong tree all together about god, in which case you would think the penny would drop and they would stop trying to impose their views on the sane.

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There is a force that works against god called the devil.


Why does nobody turn and say "the devil did this & god made some miraculous survivals out of what could've been much much worse"???


For every one person that was tragically killed, god protected & saved tens of thousands more.


You actually believe that? It sounds like something from the bronze age.


The science for the creation of tornados is readily available, have a read of it and it'll then seem a lot less supernatural.

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Anyway God in his heaven spared us last night, or didn't. Its up to you. The survivors in Oklahoma will clear away the debris, mourn their lost, and build again. Just as they did in Xenon, Ohio many years ago. To visit that town today you would not know it ever happened. Its the American way.


---------- Post added 22-05-2013 at 08:48 ----------


Not at all but it is amazing how the nations that seem to get constantly destroyed by Tsunamis, earthquakes, storms and volcanos do.

Perhaps they pray to the wrong god and get up the nose of one of the others who brings down divine retribution, or more likely they are just barking up the wrong tree all together about god, in which case you would think the penny would drop and they would stop trying to impose their views on the sane.

There are milions of churchgoers in America. Instead of trying to impose their views on anyone else, they are busy helping out with money and brawn, those who have been afflicted with the calamities you mention, along with our country's atheists who just don't believe in God, and don't spout hate like you do.:rant:
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Many Americans hold that "God" is in control, and devotion to "Him" can help.


What is "God's" role in this?


Do the "winds and waves obey him" as the hymn ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Plough_the...lds_and_Scatter ) says?


So, did the tornado strike that school in obedience to "His" command?


Well the idea of God was an import from Europe after all.


I like Manitou.... the Great Spirit better. Not even half the egoist that god is

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We are at the very moment I'm writing this, under a tornado watch. The rain has been coming down in buckets, massive lightning, and hailstones like golf balls. The National Radio alert service is telling everyone to get in their basements, the only problem being we don't have a basement. Its currently centred around Western Connecticut, Massachusetts and upstate New york mostly in Duchess County, where some of our greatest friends live. I know Sheff doesn't pray much, but a little might help right now.:)


---------- Post added 21-05-2013 at 18:07 ----------


This is not an area of massive tornados, but we get our share of smaller ones. We are in a secondary hurricane zone thirty miles from the shore. We get some damage from them but the shore is like the blitz. Of course, this is also blizzard country too. The only thing we don't get are earthquakes, except an occasional tremor. My last time in Northern California was just before the massive October 89 quake in the San Francisco bay area. But I missed it thankfully.



I truly hope that you are safe and no great damage is done, thoughts with you sincerely.



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There is a force that works against god called the devil

Equally, sometimes the power of nature is so big that we're miniscule in comparison. Sometimes, when cold dry air and warm moist air meet, powerful tornados are created.


No evil spirit sent it, and no benevolent force saved a puppy while schoolchildren got crushed to death. Just nature, and the fact that sometimes your life and your death exist on the edge of pure chance and how lucky you are that day.

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There are milions of churchgoers in America. Instead of trying to impose their views on anyone else, they are busy helping out with money and brawn, those who have been afflicted with the calamities you mention, along with our country's atheists who just don't believe in God, and don't spout hate like you do.:rant:


No hate here old chap. Just pointing out that any god of love has a pretty strange way of showing it regardless of which particular god they choose. There are lots around the world who seem to think that god is on their side, and some even kill in their gods name. It just seems that they seem to get scant recognition from their gods for doing his work.

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The Lord helps those who help themselves. ;)


---------- Post added 22-05-2013 at 06:24 ----------



I once met a group of (Catholic) Irish missionaries who were going door to door. I sort of thought maybe they were on their way somewhere else. I think I cautioned them about bad neighborhoods and told them I was already a Catholic. They liked that. Heh.


I later asked a friend with relatives in Ireland about this, and she told me the Catholic church there considered us "heathens" in need of "saving."


I wasn't even insulted. Are we that bad? (This was some years ago, so perhaps their stance on California has changed)



Haven't had any Catholics show up around our neighbourhood yet but the Jehovas Winesses and the Church of Latter Day Saints are always regular visitors.

The Catholic church in California has had something of a re-birth over the last few decades by the arrival of immigrants from Mexico and points south.

Good hardworking people...... Nothing against their beliefs but if the Big Quake strikes one day it wont be caused by "god"..... just geographical faults that have existed in this part of the North American continent for thousands of years

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There is a force that works against god called the devil.


Why does nobody turn and say "the devil did this & god made some miraculous survivals out of what could've been much much worse"???


For every one person that was tragically killed, god protected & saved tens of thousands more.


So if god made the universe where did the devils spring from? Are you trying to tell me that a god who can make a universe that is 8 billion light years across can't stop some devil whipping up a wind a couple of miles wide?

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The Lord helps those who help themselves. ;)


---------- Post added 22-05-2013 at 06:24 ----------



I once met a group of (Catholic) Irish missionaries who were going door to door. I sort of thought maybe they were on their way somewhere else. I think I cautioned them about bad neighborhoods and told them I was already a Catholic. They liked that. Heh.


I later asked a friend with relatives in Ireland about this, and she told me the Catholic church there considered us "heathens" in need of "saving."


I wasn't even insulted. Are we that bad? (This was some years ago, so perhaps their stance on California has changed)


My Irish grandmother was a devout Catholic apparently and according to the story got very upset with my grandfather for not going to church very much.

She sent the priest around to talk to him and my grandfather told him to bugger off :hihi:

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