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Do MPs deserve a £20,000 pay rise?

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Do other western democracy's have the range of benefits for them ours do?

I thought that was the reason they got them, to make up the pay gap??


Stuff like paying the mortgage on their house - I'd love it if my work paid my mortgage for me!!!

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It depends on your point of view. They earn far less than in most other western democracies. Who do you want to be attracted to enter parliament? Cameron doesn't need the money and John Prescott could never have hoped to earn as much in the real world.


I want dedicated people who have the nouse to do a good job. Money shouldn't come into it.


There are many people who do important jobs for a lot less money.


Since when and why did we start paying people £250,000 + bonuses, resulting in other self important people all thinking they should be earning that too?


It's not that MPs are paid too little but that other bigwigs are paid too much.

When the average wage is around £24,000 shouldn't an MPs renumeration reflect this?

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Should the MP's salery reflect the difficulty of their job?


Home Secretary, and the chancellor - thats a fairly tough one!

Minister for culture - not so hard.


Labour MP for Barnsley - Easiest job in the world, a pig in a red rosette could win that seat.

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It depends on your point of view. They earn far less than in most other western democracies. Who do you want to be attracted to enter parliament? Cameron doesn't need the money and John Prescott could never have hoped to earn as much in the real world.


are ALL the MP's really capable of doing the job, are they qualified and proven? The ones that get in are merely the ones that are sufficiently charasmatic enough to get the votes not because they are capabile, or because they are in a constituancy that would vote in a donkey if it was wearing the right colour rosette and in some cases they have done just that!!


---------- Post added 05-07-2013 at 14:49 ----------



Home Secretary, and the chancellor - thats a fairly tough one!



And how many civil servent do they have that are actually doing the job for them leaving them to be merely the front?

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Many people have been told in the past that the 'going rate' for their job is set by 'market forces.'


When was the last time that a seat in Parliament went unfilled? There are usually more candidates than jobs. Given that there are no formal qualifications to do the job, (not even the ability to read and write - secretaries and ghost writers can do that for them ;)) it may be difficult to set a salary.


Shouldn't those same market forces which have been used to reduce the salaries of others apply to MPs, too?

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Should the MP's salery reflect the difficulty of their job?


Home Secretary, and the chancellor - thats a fairly tough one!

Minister for culture - not so hard.


Labour MP for Barnsley - Easiest job in the world, a pig in a red rosette could win that seat.



Likewise for the Conservatives in Windsor, Saffron Waldon and Tatton etc.

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I'd give them the pay rise, if they come up with a sound argument for it.


But I'd also pass a law stating that they are not allowed to hold any other paid employment whilst they were an MP, I'd add onto that another law stating that they are not allowed to receive money from any other parties for lobbying, or any favours carried out. Basically I want the house of commons and their business with their bosses, (their constituents) to be their only interests.


Right on, man. They mostly do this other work during Westminster time and also set themselves up for lucrative employment at some later date when/if they leave politics. I'd like them to sign a contract with Us, the people, to achieve particular things as given with the job and if they fail, sue them and/or put them in prison for false representation. If they succeed then give them a pay rise and another assignment and so on.

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