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Do MPs deserve a £20,000 pay rise?

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Right on, man. They mostly do this other work during Westminster time and also set themselves up for lucrative employment at some later date when/if they leave politics. I'd like them to sign a contract with Us, the people, to achieve particular things as given with the job and if they fail, sue them and/or put them in prison for false representation. If they succeed then give them a pay rise and another assignment and so on.


Ah! you mean similar to a "Jobseekers agreement"?


What a spiffing idea :)

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Gordon Brown was paid? :o


Given his treasonous policies, I'm guessing 30 pieces of silver?


I still can't quite shake off the idea that Gordon Brown was a leftover "sleeper" agent of the USSR.


It's a theory that fits many of the available facts. :D


Talking of the Clown who is Gordon Brown - I believe he has entered Westminster only twice this year. Is this good value for money as an MP, I think not.



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Yes I think they do. But I don;t think they would be immune to the opinion of members of the public.


Since when has anyone, be they MP's or , more particular the government, given any cognizance to public opinion . Except at election times that is ?

Can this be the reason for the apathy of the electorate when it comes to polling days ?

Can the :-

Continued hoserity of the country,

Continued uncertainty that the government displays in its predictions of the economy.

Continued demise of the NHS.

Uncertainty of the right and wrong solutions for the education system.

Continued penalising of the pensioner , the workers and the more vulnerable of our society .

Continued failure to control the real culprits for our demise i.e. bankers and financiers .

Continued reluctance to regulate the press.

Continued failure to regulate its own house .

All of which are being cried out by the whole population every single day and having no effect, really be said to be listened to ?

It may be heard - but certainly not listened to .

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