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Do MPs deserve a £20,000 pay rise?

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Certainly David Cameron is paid less than Gordon Brown was.


Gordon Brown was paid? :o


Given his treasonous policies, I'm guessing 30 pieces of silver?


I still can't quite shake off the idea that Gordon Brown was a leftover "sleeper" agent of the USSR.


It's a theory that fits many of the available facts. :D

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MPs are in line for a huge salary increase of up to £20,000 - that's more than many people in Sheffield earn in a year.


Members believe salaries should be raised in line with Senior civil servants and other professions.


A senior MP told a newspaper yesterday he feared MPs would be 'accused of having their snouts in the trough' But argued: 'Voters may not like it, but if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.'


What does that make those of us not lucky enough to be getting this sort of pay?


Surely MPs should be setting an example in these difficult times, and encouraging excessive pay downwards rather than raising their own pay to match it.

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MPs are in line for a huge salary increase of up to £20,000 - that's more than many people in Sheffield earn in a year.


Members believe salaries should be raised in line with Senior civil servants and other professions.


A senior MP told a newspaper yesterday he feared MPs would be 'accused of having their snouts in the trough' But argued: 'Voters may not like it, but if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.'


What does that make those of us not lucky enough to be getting this sort of pay?


Surely MPs should be setting an example in these difficult times, and encouraging excessive pay downwards rather than raising their own pay to match it.


I'd give them the pay rise, if they come up with a sound argument for it.


But I'd also pass a law stating that they are not allowed to hold any other paid employment whilst they were an MP, I'd add onto that another law stating that they are not allowed to receive money from any other parties for lobbying, or any favours carried out. Basically I want the house of commons and their business with their bosses, (their constituents) to be their only interests.

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MPs are in line for a huge salary increase of up to £20,000 - that's more than many people in Sheffield earn in a year.


Members believe salaries should be raised in line with Senior civil servants and other professions.


A senior MP told a newspaper yesterday he feared MPs would be 'accused of having their snouts in the trough' But argued: 'Voters may not like it, but if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.'


What does that make those of us not lucky enough to be getting this sort of pay?


Surely MPs should be setting an example in these difficult times, and encouraging excessive pay downwards rather than raising their own pay to match it.


My thoughts entirely Anna.

Many good, intelligent and conscientious people are paid peanuts as this MP must know but are not getting rises of 30%, 25% or 10%, even on their meagre salaries.


I read a few days ago that Boris Johnson was blaming British workers for sloth. I often return home from work knackered, as do many other people. Johnson, like the MPs who want a huge slaray increase are out of touch.


If MPs want higher salaries perhaps we should introduce elements of competition and the market to the House of Commons. They subject the rest of us to its rigours.

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MPs are in line for a huge salary increase of up to £20,000 - that's more than many people in Sheffield earn in a year.


Members believe salaries should be raised in line with Senior civil servants and other professions.


A senior MP told a newspaper yesterday he feared MPs would be 'accused of having their snouts in the trough' But argued: 'Voters may not like it, but if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.'


What does that make those of us not lucky enough to be getting this sort of pay?


Surely MPs should be setting an example in these difficult times, and encouraging excessive pay downwards rather than raising their own pay to match it.


Senior civil servants pay should be reduced to the same level as MP’s and most MP’s and civil servants are monkeys anyway, a pay rise won't change that but it will make them richer monkeys.

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There should be fewer MPs.


I disagree. There are populist arguments in favour but increasing the workload of fewer MPs would mean that their vital work on select committees would suffer. And of course, fewer MPs would mean fewer people to hold the Government to account.

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I disagree. There are populist arguments in favour but increasing the workload of fewer MPs would mean that their vital work on select committees would suffer. And of course, fewer MPs would mean fewer people to hold the Government to account.


yeah, they'd have to work four days a week instead of three, and that would never do. /opinion


also opinion - the mp for my area is utterly useless.

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