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Do MPs deserve a £20,000 pay rise?

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Didn't they give themselves a pay cut or pay freeze a couple of years ago. Certainly David Cameron is paid less than Gordon Brown was.


Please supply evidence that Cameron is paid less than Gordon Brown.


Cameron is paid £142.500. If he finds this is not enough he can always dip into his 30 million.



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Gordon Brown was paid? :o


Given his treasonous policies, I'm guessing 30 pieces of silver?

Well...there was no gold left, so I guess you're right :D

But I'd also pass a law stating that they are not allowed to hold any other paid employment whilst they were an MP, I'd add onto that another law stating that they are not allowed to receive money from any other parties for lobbying, or any favours carried out.
Generally in agreement with this, but you can't 'forbid' favours as such, it's the very essence of policy-making and implementation (basically, they'd never get anything done).


There's been some important debates on the Continent recently about forbidding the cumulation of political posts/hats (e.g. MP + Counsellor + Mayor + ...) for any single person, and there's definitely a trend pointing that way.


As for the pay rise, I haven't checked (can't be bothered TBH), but it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see some correlation between the mooted £20k pay rise and a decrease in MP's claimed expenses following that recent scandal, for instance a decrease of more-or-less £20k per head on average... ;)


Cynical, moi?!? :o:D

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MPs are in line for a huge salary increase of up to £20,000 - that's more than many people in Sheffield earn in a year.


Members believe salaries should be raised in line with Senior civil servants and other professions.


A senior MP told a newspaper yesterday he feared MPs would be 'accused of having their snouts in the trough' But argued: 'Voters may not like it, but if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.'

What does that make those of us not lucky enough to be getting this sort of pay?


Surely MPs should be setting an example in these difficult times, and encouraging excessive pay downwards rather than raising their own pay to match it.


How does sit with school support staff averaging on about 14k per annum in Sheffield? He's happy for our children to be looked after by 'monkeys' is he, as long as they don't have to fork out a decent wage?


One rule for them, another for everyone else. The hypocrites.


Time for performance-related pay for them that they're so keen on.


---------- Post added 22-05-2013 at 14:13 ----------


Please supply evidence that Cameron is paid less than Gordon Brown.


Cameron is paid £142.500. If he finds this is not enough he can always dip into his 30 million.




Can you remember when he first got elected and Marie Antoinette blessed Samantha was publically saying she was wondering how they were going to manage on his meagre PM's salary? It makes your heart bleed.

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Please supply evidence that Cameron is paid less than Gordon Brown.


Cameron is paid £142.500. If he finds this is not enough he can always dip into his 30 million.









Gordon Brown accepts a pay cut (for David Cameron)

Gordon Brown's last act was to deprive David Cameron of hundreds of thousands of pounds


Gordon Brown's failure to turn up for the State Opening of Parliament may well have been because he couldn't look David Cameron in the face. Mandrake hears that one of Brown's final acts in the Downing Street bunker was quietly to organise a pay cut for his successor which he must have known would leave him out of pocket to the tune of hundreds of thousands of pounds.


On Brown's orders, the Prime Minister's remuneration package was cut from £194,000 to £150,000, but this was done with such stealth that no formal announcement was ever made.


Indeed, I am told that Cameron entered Downing Street blissfully unaware that he would, as Prime Minister, be earning only marginally more than he had as the leader of the Opposition.


One imagines that the poor chap must therefore have set about implementing his pre-election pledge of an across-the- board cut in ministerial salaries of five per cent with a heavy heart as this took his salary down to £142,000.


Over the course of a five-year parliament, I calculate the personal loss to Cameron will be in excess of £250,000, and this is not counting the pension benefits.



So you see Gordon was happily paying himself £198K per year but cut the PMs salary when he lost the job.

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Gordon Brown accepts a pay cut (for David Cameron)

Gordon Brown's last act was to deprive David Cameron of hundreds of thousands of pounds


Gordon Brown's failure to turn up for the State Opening of Parliament may well have been because he couldn't look David Cameron in the face. Mandrake hears that one of Brown's final acts in the Downing Street bunker was quietly to organise a pay cut for his successor which he must have known would leave him out of pocket to the tune of hundreds of thousands of pounds.


On Brown's orders, the Prime Minister's remuneration package was cut from £194,000 to £150,000, but this was done with such stealth that no formal announcement was ever made.


Indeed, I am told that Cameron entered Downing Street blissfully unaware that he would, as Prime Minister, be earning only marginally more than he had as the leader of the Opposition.


One imagines that the poor chap must therefore have set about implementing his pre-election pledge of an across-the- board cut in ministerial salaries of five per cent with a heavy heart as this took his salary down to £142,000.


Over the course of a five-year parliament, I calculate the personal loss to Cameron will be in excess of £250,000, and this is not counting the pension benefits.



So you see Gordon was happily paying himself £198K per year but cut the PMs salary when he lost the job.


Well done. If you supply a link like this every time you make a statement it makes the statement more valid. Otherwise it can sound like something you have just made up. :)

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Well done. If you supply a link like this every time you make a statement it makes the statement more valid. Otherwise it can sound like something you have just made up. :)


If you check the facts yourself before you start pouring scorn on other folks posts it saves folk having to post links to what is common knowledge and freely in the public domain. It also saves you making yourself look a bit silly.


Please supply a link to your claim that Cameron is worth £30 million.


So Gordon Brown PM in 2009 gets paid £198,000. David Cameron PM in 2013 is paid 142,000 for doing the same job but rather better. An independent body suggest upping MPs pay and there is uproar on the forum because folk posting seem unaware that MPs pay & expenses is now handled by an independent body.

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Gordon Brown accepts a pay cut (for David Cameron)

Gordon Brown's last act was to deprive David Cameron of hundreds of thousands of pounds


That link is a gossip column that quotes hearsay.


Have a look at http://www.parliament.uk/about/faqs/house-of-commons-faqs/members-faq-page2/


Three quarters of the way down under How much does the Prime Minister get paid? there's a PDF file link. Open that and tab down to the top of page 8 where it shows that the PM's annual salary for 2009/10 (Brown's last) and 2010/11 (Cameron's first) was £132,923 in both years.

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