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Do MPs deserve a £20,000 pay rise?

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That link is a gossip column that quotes hearsay.


Have a look at http://www.parliament.uk/about/faqs/house-of-commons-faqs/members-faq-page2/


Three quarters of the way down under How much does the Prime Minister get paid? there's a PDF file link. Open that and tab down to the top of page 8 where it shows that the PM's annual salary for 2009/10 (Brown's last) and 2010/11 (Cameron's first) was £132,923 in both years.


I can't make head nor tail of your link. But here is one.





It shows Gordon Brown was being paid £198,661/yr when he lost the election.


All I could get from your link is that the Prime Minister currently being paid £142,500

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There is no alternative (tina).


The three main parties are all neoliberal. Free market ideology has been actively embraced by the Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative parties – many tories sat in wide eyed admiration of Mr Blair, and Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg have simply picked up where New Labour left off.


What the political class has established over the last 40 years is a corporate friendly economy across the UK. This means that executives and investors get very, very rich, and ordinary people face redundancy, or see their jobs at risk, their wages reduced, their terms and conditions eroded, their services cut and the move to indirect taxation that reduces the value of the money in their pocket.


As the idea of salary increases for MPs demonstrates, the politicians are triumphant. They know that, though their grasping will cause some grumbling, and some activists are likely to mount a demonstartion or two, ultimately ordinary people have no power to resist. Democracy is as far away from UK shores as ever.


And of course the politicians will reckon that since it is they who have shaped economic policy in favour of the rich, it is only reasonable that they too should share in the bonanza.


Couldn't agree more.


It isn't just the MPs. It is outrageous that they also employ at public expense; advisors, consultants, think-tanks, legal experts, PAs, PRs, publicitydepartments, etc as well as many extensive and varied pen pushers like private secretaries, senior private sedretaries, assistant private secretaries and senior civil servants all on 6 figure salaries.


And then we do it all again for MEPs.


This is where our taxes are going... Welcome to the Gravy Train.

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If you check the facts yourself before you start pouring scorn on other folks posts it saves folk having to post links to what is common knowledge and freely in the public domain. It also saves you making yourself look a bit silly.


Please supply a link to your claim that Cameron is worth £30 million.


So Gordon Brown PM in 2009 gets paid £198,000. David Cameron PM in 2013 is paid 142,000 for doing the same job but rather better. An independent body suggest upping MPs pay and there is uproar on the forum because folk posting seem unaware that MPs pay & expenses is now handled by an independent body.


Already supplied a link about Cameron's wealth

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I think Dennis Skinner said it best on a programme on TV i saw.He said we get paid very well as an MP and like him should not have a second job and other financial interests which could influence their decisions as an MP.Sadly there are not enough politicians with principles in this country.Most use it as a career and the chance to make lots of money and swindle the taxpayer.

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I think Dennis Skinner said it best on a programme on TV i saw.He said we get paid very well as an MP and like him should not have a second job and other financial interests which could influence their decisions as an MP.Sadly there are not enough politicians with principles in this country.Most use it as a career and the chance to make lots of money and swindle the taxpayer.



And there is absolutely nothing we can do about it...


Doesn't that strike people as wrong?

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I think Dennis Skinner said it best on a programme on TV i saw.He said we get paid very well as an MP and like him should not have a second job and other financial interests which could influence their decisions as an MP.Sadly there are not enough politicians with principles in this country.Most use it as a career and the chance to make lots of money and swindle the taxpayer.


Indeed. Dennis Skinner appears to put in a lot of hours as an MP. He seems to be tireless, but I doubt that even he could manage to do justice to:


A full-time job as an MP


Another full-time job doing something else


His 'extra-curricular' activities.


Whatever else you might say about him, Skinner is 'value for money'

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  • 1 month later...

He said what now??


The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority is expected to say backbench MPs' £66,000 salaries should increase to more than £70,000 from the election.


BBC's Nick Robinson said the PM could not block the recommendations and advisers had warned him MPs would reject any bid to do so in the Commons.


At least bother to read the story before you post up, clearly the PM is quoted as saying this:


Prime Minister David Cameron has said such a plan would be "unthinkable"
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