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Proposed NEXT store Public Inquiry

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You seem obsessed with Next, Penistone :suspect:


Not obsessed with Next,but i take a keen interest in the council of my home city turning away multi million pound investment and hundreds of new jobs for no good reason other than their obsession with the city center. This council are no good for the future of sheffield , a city that desperately needs new jobs and investment when they turn away anyone who wants to invest and create jobs in an area of the city other than the city center. Sheffield is bigger than just the city center ,and the sooner this stupid council realize that the better .

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No doubt IKEA will be rejected and they will be offered a 2000sq foot unit on Fargate by the council instead :D


I heard a rumour that to fit in with their policy of only allowing companies to open in the city center the council had offered IKEA a stall in the new market and were shocked when they refused it. :)

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I heard a rumour that to fit in with their policy of only allowing companies to open in the city center the council had offered IKEA a stall in the new market and were shocked when they refused it. :)


And why not? If Leeds Market is good enough for M&S I am sure the new Sheffield Market would be good enough for IKEA.


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Not obsessed with Next,but i take a keen interest in the council of my home city turning away multi million pound investment and hundreds of new jobs for no good reason other than their obsession with the city center.


It seems like only me, you and Dawny1970 seem to be bothered.


The trouble with many Sheffielders is that they're happy in their rut. They'll all "meh" to the whole business of improving the city.


But, dare to criticise Sheffield or compare it to other cities and they're soon out in force with "well why don't you live there then if its so great?" :rolleyes:

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I have to say that in principle i do agree with what SCC have been trying to do by bringing business in the city centre.


But those plans are unrealistic for businesses like an IKEA & a major Next store. Surely common sense has not prevailed and it looks like that the views of some Councillors for whatever reason have gotten in the way of that.


High streets are dying all over the country; we should not be turning major businesses & huge business rates away.

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in light of this revelation about next, i cant see how scc could turn ikea down now without completely destroying any credability that they have left



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


credability?? what credability?? They lost THAT when they allowed hammersons to bend them over and screw em!!

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