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Proposed NEXT store Public Inquiry

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The planning inspector didn't say that though, did he?


From the extracts I have seen, he said that the Council had valid policies and had stuck to them. The point he differed on was whether the application passed the sequential test, which is part of the application of the policies.


He felt it was unreasonable to require them to use the Staples site as it would have meant them compromising their application. The fact that the Staples site wasn't available immediately also was a factor.


So, as is often the case, these decisions are down to interpretation of policies.


“Taking account of all the above points I conclude that the proposed development would pass the sequential test for the provision of retail uses, detailed in the Framework and would not have any unacceptable impact on investor or retail confidence, or on the vitality and viability of Sheffield City Centre.


“It would therefore accord with CS Policies CS7 and CS14, dealing with development at Meadowhall and the city-wide distribution of shopping, and would constitute sustainable development in the terms set out in the Framework.


“Accordingly, it should be granted planning permission, unless there are any material considerations of sufficient weight to indicate otherwise.”


From: http://www.costar.co.uk/en/assets/news/2013/july/bl-wins-sheffield-next-appeal/


What he said was, losing all the council jargon, you asked them to build a store in a site that was not vacant and if it was would not have been appropriate.


Which is what we've been saying all along.


The council policy of "want to invest in sheffield? great as long as you take staples unit or wait for sevenstone" is holding the city back and has now finally been shown up as contrary to the rules in place.


We might expect a little contrition from those who have said the people are wrong and the officials are right but I doubt we'll get it.

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The council policy of "want to invest in sheffield? great as long as you take staples unit or wait for sevenstone" is holding the city back and has now finally been shown up as contrary to the rules in place.



The Council's policy for locating bulky good items on the Staples site is the most flawed theory. Even a primary school kid could explain why they need to be at Meadowhall. When you have people like this running the Council, a dying city centre, isn't it about time for them to go?

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If people require more justification for their anger at the council then l recommend reading the inspectors report in full.


He basically tore their ridiculous decision to refuse the application apart. Damning stuff.

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If people require more justification for their anger at the council then l recommend reading the inspectors report in full.


He basically tore their ridiculous decision to refuse the application apart. Damning stuff.


I believe Sheffield City Council is about tenth from the bottom in a league table of about 160 councils, and have been for years. Not something they publicise or care to improve apparently...

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I believe Sheffield City Council is about tenth from the bottom in a league table of about 160 councils, and have been for years. Not something they publicise or care to improve apparently...


Dose a league table actually exist?.....can't seem to find one

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So do I.


I still haven't got over the Sheffield airport debacle - what happened to the promised inquiry into that?


"A PUBLIC inquiry into the failure of Sheffield City Airport would be too late to change its fate and would waste taxpayers' money, Sheffield Council leader Paul Scriven has decided."


I think you will find that the original decision to close the airport was done while the Libs were in power and Mr Scriven had not been told.


No matter who you vote for, the council always get in

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