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Proposed NEXT store Public Inquiry

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Many people on here and on the star comment boards have rightly hammered the council for the complete mess they have made of running the city , yet many of these people will still vote Labour at the next local elections and vote these muppets back in for more of the same comedy council. Until people start looking at alternative boxes to tick on the ballot paper these idiots will continue to occupy the town hall and have their hands on the purse strings.


Not me P999. I'll never vote Labour again,However I'm struggling to look at alternative boxes to tick.

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There are very few councils which don't have a planning decision overturned by the planning inspectorate in a calendar year - we are talking about a handful out of the approx 330 councils. It not an unusual event and of the number of overturned decisions SCC is nowhere near the top.


Councils get decisions wrong from time to time. That's the whole reason the appeal process exists.


There's getting things wrong and then there's ignoring three experts advice and spending tens of thousands of pounds that you supposedly don't have

continuing defending the decision in an appeal process when you have made the other side aware that you're case is at best weak.

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There's getting things wrong and then there's ignoring three experts advice and spending tens of thousands of pounds that you supposedly don't have

continuing defending the decision in an appeal process when you have made the other side aware that you're case is at best weak.


Thats the planning process used throughout the country. Advice is given and the planning committee decide whether or not to follow that advice. I'm not saying its right but its certainly not unique to SCC. And appeals cost money. If the council had to rescind on any decision just because it would cost money to defend we'd have a lot things built (or not built) that most would agree would be to the detriment of the city.

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Thats the planning process used throughout the country. Advice is given and the planning committee decide whether or not to follow that advice. I'm not saying its right but its certainly not unique to SCC. And appeals cost money. If the council had to rescind on any decision just because it would cost money to defend we'd have a lot things built (or not built) that most would agree would be to the detriment of the city.


The official report to the planning committee did not mention that three expert internal and external advisers had recommended the plans be passed.


I don't know about you but If I was on a committee with an important decision to make I would want to be firstly made aware that three experts had recommended an action different to that of the reports writer and secondly I'd want a damn good explanation as to why the advice was being rejected and why the advice giver was being pressured/bullied into changing said advice.

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Thats the planning process used throughout the country. Advice is given and the planning committee decide whether or not to follow that advice. I'm not saying its right but its certainly not unique to SCC. And appeals cost money. If the council had to rescind on any decision just because it would cost money to defend we'd have a lot things built (or not built) that most would agree would be to the detriment of the city.


There is a massive difference between rejecting a planning application for sound reasons and rejecting it for no reason what so ever apart from the councils obsession with the doomed Sevenstone farce. When the NEXT appeal was heard even internal council emails conceded the case for refusing Next was "Weak".


This council massively overstepped the mark with this refusal and were rightly slammed at the appeal. Granted sometimes a planning application is received and has to be turned down for very good reasons , but to try and refuse investment and job creation for no reason other than their obsession with the city center is bang out of order and this planning committee has a lot of Questions to answer .

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"... speaking after the announcement, Lord Wolfson said: “Sheffield City Council should stop wasting its time trying to prevent investment in the city and instead focus on revitalising the city centre. The commercial heartland of the city continues to fall further and further behind the other great industrial cities of Britain ..."



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Has anyone actually ever bothered to find out how many planning applications are refused then go on to appeal and are then successful? I'd like to bet there are a few and this is nothing out of the ordinary and happens all over the country with every council. I wonder what people would be saying if this had been a toxic waste recycling centre and the appeal for this had been successful with the head guy being out spoken on the bad decisions of the council, I reckon there'd be an uproar.

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Has anyone actually ever bothered to find out how many planning applications are refused then go on to appeal and are then successful? I'd like to bet there are a few and this is nothing out of the ordinary and happens all over the country with every council. I wonder what people would be saying if this had been a toxic waste recycling centre and the appeal for this had been successful with the head guy being out spoken on the bad decisions of the council, I reckon there'd be an uproar.


This one went to appeal and again was lost by the local council.


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