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Gordon Peter Lidster of Shiregreen

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Hello Everybody, Im really new to this so still learning how to use it.


I am wanting to talk to people who can remember my late Grandfather , Gordon Peter Lidster.


He had his own coal business until he decided to have a convenience store which was located on Bellhouse road, shiregreen.


His favourite pub was the Horseshoe, until it was knocked down and one of his very best friends was Terry fisher who unfortunately has also passed away.


Im looking for people because as some of you may or may not know, My granddad was actually adopted.


Unfortunatly due to current legislation the right for me to access my late grand-fathers original birth cert has died with him.


But he did talk about it all the time, which has encouraged me to find out who they really were.


Any rumours, anything you ever heard my grand father talk about, would really help, especially if I can pin point the exact place he came from.


Will really look forward to hereing your storys, Best Wishes, Miss Lidster

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Thats really wierd.I was in Hartley House club last Friday talking about some of my old relatives to this old fella and he said they used to work for your grandad filling coal sacks for him at 50p a sack.I didn't know he had a coal business.I did frequent his shop on Bellhouse Rd.though.Didn't he get attacked in his shop not long before he closed it?

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No he had already passed away by then, it was my uncle who got hurt. My great granddad Albert who adopted Gordon had the coal business and my granddad worked for him, learned the ropes so to say and took it over when Albert retired. Then he bought the shop. The only way I can get any further with my research is to contact people or find people who knew him and as irrelivent as the information may seem, it might really help. So if you know anybody, here anything, it would really help me out

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There's an old pal of mine (Brian Humberstone) who's in his late 70s used to talk about your grandad,I'm sure he once told me he used to have something to do with somebody pretty famous in the music industry,sorry I cannot remember who it was but I see Brian pretty regular so I will ask him next time I see him & I'll get back to you.

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Oh yeah that was Freddie Star, before he was famous, he used to do comedy shows at the church on Bellhouse road, I think my granddad used to help organize some of the events and stuff. That's why he ended up being such good friends with terry fisher, because he was a lot younger than my granddad and was a bit of a trouble maker. My nan explained to me that granddad took him under his wing, if you like, gave him some responsibility, both with the church helping out and the shop. They ended up being best friends for life.

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did lidsters have a coach business as well for a time? I remember a connection with littlewoods tours. my next door neighbour on oaks fold rd drove for littlewoods and worked in their garage on petre st. I remember a lidsters coach calling at his house occasionally.


---------- Post added 24-05-2013 at 15:43 ----------


I also remember terry fischer he was a jack the lad on the estate and lived opposite nethershire shops. I was sledging with him one day he was a little older than me we were near deep lane. he went under a moving car in a shower of sparks but not run over. he later had an ariel leader motor bike really loud he drove it very very fast I can still hear it screaming up and down bellhouse rd.

Edited by morrismarina
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did lidsters have a coach business as well for a time? I remember a connection with littlewoods tours. my next door neighbour on oaks fold rd drove for littlewoods and worked in their garage on petre st. I remember a lidsters coach calling at his house occasionally.


---------- Post added 24-05-2013 at 15:43 ----------


I also remember terry fischer he was a jack the lad on the estate and lived opposite nethershire shops. I was sledging with him one day he was a little older than me we were near deep lane. he went under a moving car in a shower of sparks but not run over. he later had an ariel leader motor bike really loud he drove it very very fast I can still hear it screaming up and down bellhouse rd.


Yeah my Great- Granfather Albert owned the coach business, it wasnt a big one he only had a few coaches as well as the coal business. Im not 100% but im guessing he did that as it was less labour intensive whilsts my grandad gordon who was a much younger man ran the coal business, i would have to ask my nan.

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My grandparents were the Hoskings as in the chippy, just down from Lidsters, from about 1940, the shop was taken over by my uncle and aunt after the death of my grandfather and they kept it till they retired and the shop became a Chinese takeaway.

My aunt Heather is the only one left these days and her memory is not so good, but I should think the families would have known one another fairly well. :)

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Thankyou both, for the above information, like I said you never know the smallest piece of information could really help. There is a way I can narrow down who Gordons biological parents were but for me to do that I need to find out the area of London that he was actually adopted from.


Now I think I have a rough idea, if rumours are correct. But if im wrong it would meen applying for 47 birth certificates which are £9.25 each and I might be in the wrong area.


When a person is adopted, there adoption certificate becomes there new birth certificate. BUT you can still apply for all birth certificates (original). Its just knowing which one to apply for, in the top right hand corner of the original birth certificate it will say Adopted, if that was the case. But legally the General Register office will not be able to confirm that you have found the correct one.


As long as a child was adopted following the correct legal proceedings then the GRO have all the linking information there just not allowed to divulge it if the child was adopted before 1975 things get very difficult.


But you know what they say "Where there is a will, there is a way" Im purely doing this out of mystery, my grandfather would have been 80 this year so its highly unlikely they will be alive, but I would love to find out the reasons why, there circumstances at the time, then there parents and there parents-parents so on and so forth.


So everybody reading this thread, please any information just like the above could really really help.


After all my grand-farther found out at the age of 21 from a neighbour by delerving them coal, albert and ida his adoptive parents never knew my granddad knew, he never told them.


So if a neighbour was aware who knows who may still be out there


Best wishes and thankyou all for your help

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