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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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I wouldn't say that every Irishman supported the IRA but they did have a significant amount of support from parts of the population, .


Blimey. How wrong can a statement be?


Can anyone think of a subset of the Irish population that wouldn't support the IRA... you have 30 seconds for this part.


Can anyone think of a very large, international superpower that allowed the bankrolling of the IRA? You have 45 seconds for this tricky question.


In the history of stupid posts on SF, Smithy has just posted the stupidest.


And that is without his embarrassing re-invention of Hitler, which has already been dealt with.

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Can all of the rabid speculation and predictions of mass bloodshed, a nation dying and similar be put into a bit of perspective please?


Take a step back and think about how many millions of Muslim people are likely to be just as appalled by the actions of these few people as Christians, atheists and Jews are.


Calling for rioting is not a positive response and SF certainly is not going to be used for such rabble rousing.


What has happened is abhorrent, but is actually a very small scale issue that very sadly has involved loss of life.

I only hope people will believe that Medusa. I saw it on the ten o clock news and like others I was shocked and horrified.

RIP to that poor young soldier.

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Which "bombings/drone bombings of thousands and thousands of people in places like africa" are you talking about?


I'm not aware that the people who claimed responsibility (if, indeed, a formal claim has been made) haver tied their actions in to any specific event.


As others have said, the risk of an uncontrolled backlash against innocent Muslims (which means most Muslims) is great.


Mafiyah said: " If innocent muslims start getting attacked than sorry but I don't think they will just lie down and take it."


I can understand that, but we don't need a mini civil war, either. It is to be hoped that the police and security services will clamp down hard on troublemakers on either side.

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I hate to think that my friends will get the back lash of this outrage but I do think it is going to happen & it is not fair. I felt the hatred at work today & when I was driving home I saw so many police around I know it is going to happen ! I need to just **** off to Cornwall & get away from this hassle .

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That's true... I blame the Liberals' like those on here for allowing the situation to develop... by their constant denial of the problem...


Nobody wants ordinary Muslim's to suffer... But I'd like some to suffer greatly..


More daft social commentary...the liberals here are defending 'ordinary Muslims' against fools who would make them guilty of terrorist acts simply by association. You can't defend people's freedoms by restricting those of people you don't like who've done nothing wrong

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I hate to think that my friends will get the back lash of this outrage but I do think it is going to happen & it is not fair. I felt the hatred at work today & when I was driving home I saw so many police around I know it is going to happen ! I need to just **** off to Cornwall & get away from this hassle .


Your not sticking around to support your friends than?

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The trouble is, fairyworld, that such a backlash will inevitably impact on innocent, everyday, decent Muslims and not on the small number of extremists.


That's why it's the duty of all decent people of all faiths or none to stand together and oppose violence, to stand together and promote undrstanding rather than hate.


Do you think there will be demonstrations by the Muslim population to show their discust?


Yeah - let's bring back witch hunts while we're at it - you look like a witch to me - into the fire you go - no due process - no right of appeal...........


Yes root and branch in the nick or on a plane. If the goverment did this and you disagreed, vote for someone else..


My Bold=

Backlash against who? If innocent muslims start getting attacked than sorry but I don't think they will just lie down and take it.


You seem to be encouraging violence. Surely the best way to stop violence is none violence. If you feel like that you'll understand and not oppose the EDL protests tonight.


Do u tink the bombings / drone bombings of thousands and thousands of people in places like africa has owt to do with this ?...


Actions of the west breed , incourage terrosism many many times -


Well they don't have to live here, if they're so opposed what our government does, go somewhere else..

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Iv'e just finished watching Newsnight, it was reported that when a group of young muslims were asked for their opinion on the attack they replied "it was a good thing". They may be in the minority but their comments dont help


They were responding honestly to the question, what makes you think it's a minority view?

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