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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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Do you think there will be demonstrations by the Muslim population to show their discust?


Why should there be? Did you organise a protest when Tim McVeigh bombed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City or when Peter Sutcliffe was butchering women on the streets of Yorkshire?

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It was done in the name of Allah, a deity some claim to exist.

NO, it was not. it was not done in my name or the name of my religion.


This is the statement regarding this atrocity, released 22 May 2013 by the Islamic Society of Britain:-


Woolwich Terror 22 May 2013


Murdering a British Soldier is an attack on our nation. No effort should be spared in purging this hate.


Our thoughts and sympathies are with the families of the deceased.


Justifying this killing in the name of faith or religion is false and rejected. Rejected by the Islamic Society of Britain, Rejected by scripture. Rejected by those who commit to God. Rejected by civil society. And rejected by truth.


We the British will remain together, resolute and strong,


And we will carry on.

The Islamic society of Britain.



Apparently over 40 years up to 2003, 1.5 million was added to the population of Britain from immigration; since 2003 to now( just ten years) a similar figure has been added to the population through immigration. Peter Mandleson revealed that Labour actively sent out search parties to bring immigrants in!! :loopy: This is Labours disgusting legacy of deliberate cultural/social vandalism of Britain.


Please don't make this into an "immigration" issue. It's not an immigration issue, it's about some idiot of a prat who has murdered a soldier in Woolwich.


Stupidity beyond stupidity...you really believe the actions of two 20 year old knobheads represents a failure of multiculturism.

Do you know how many days pass in the UK without a shocking murder? Do gratuitous murders of non Muslims on non Muslims represent a failure of anything?



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This is an intriguing way to stop violence - support non-violence by allowing the EDL to run wild. Yeah, right............I suppose the best way to stop Hitler would have been by letting the Nazis run amock.


The EDL aren't Hitler or Nazi's, that's silly.... You seem to be supporting aggression as a form of opposition to an opinion..

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Respective Governments have allowed the type of people involved in this incident into our country against the wishes of the majority of the population, crime rates in areas of high immigration are sky high, so called multi-culturalism is showing the roots of failure in many areas. The people who allowed it to happen will sit in their Hampstead homes in the lap of luxury while the rest of us have to live among the mess.


Lets hope some good comes of this tragedy and a political party emerges that will deal sensibly with runaway immigration.

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