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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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Iv'e just finished watching Newsnight, it was reported that when a group of young muslims were asked for their opinion on the attack they replied "it was a good thing". They may be in the minority but their comments dont help


But think about that logically, crazybaby...


How many Muslims did the BBC have to interview before those prats, before they found the ones who were stupid enough to say/ think such things, and to give them the soundbite they wanted, to tell the story with the slant the BBC wanted to put on it?

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Respective Governments have allowed the type of people involved in this incident into our country against the wishes of the majority of the population, crime rates in areas of high immigration are sky high, so called multi-culturalism is showing the roots of failure in many areas. The people who allowed it to happen will sit in their Hampstead homes in the lap of luxury while the rest of us have to live among the mess.


Lets hope some good comes of this tragedy and a political party emerges that will deal sensibly with runaway immigration.


I don't think any 'ordinary' - and by 'ordinary' I mean law-abiding - group of people in the UK would be happy to have any government encourage the immigration of criminals or extremists.


As far as anyone knows they were born here. One has a pretty good sarf landan accent.


There you go then! it's those bloody Brits again!


Before you know it, other countries will be demanding additional security checks on people holding British Passports.


As the Germans do (Wef April this year.)

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Works fine with me and my Muslim neighbours of the last 22 years.


Well your probably lucky enough to live beside people who are prepared to integrate and become a part of this once great countries culture, unfortunately many are not, controlled immigration is fine, an open door policy is not.

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Respective Governments have allowed the type of people involved in this incident into our country against the wishes of the majority of the population,


Utter nonsense, for the following reasons - you don't say who 'these type of people' are - do you mean Londoners, blacks, muslims, knife wielding fundamentalists or what? The majority of the population bit is nothing more than wishful thinking.


crime rates in areas of high immigration are sky high


No evidence of this other than your obvious prejudice.


, so called multi-culturalism is showing the roots of failure in many areas.


Name them.


The people who allowed it to happen will sit in their Hampstead homes in the lap of luxury while the rest of us have to live among the mess.


Meaningless soundbite - way to go! Are you a politician?


Lets hope some good comes of this tragedy and a political party emerges that will deal sensibly with runaway immigration.


It really is pretty crass to relate this crime to 'runaway immigration'.

That's like saying 9/11 happened because of beards.

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Well your probably lucky enough to live beside people who are prepared to integrate and become a part of this once great countries culture, unfortunately many are not, controlled immigration is fine, an open door policy is not.


Well thankfully we don't have an 'open door' policy.


Incidentally your comments are a complete distraction from the events of today, the brutal murder of a totally innocent young man whilst going about his business.

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Well thankfully we don't have an 'open door' policy.


Incidentally your comments are a complete distraction from the events of today, the brutal murder of a totally innocent young man whilst going about his business.


More than likely by immigrants.


There are far too many people in this country putting a strain on healthcare, schools, housing etc it has to stop somewhere.

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Well your probably lucky enough to live beside people who are prepared to integrate and become a part of this once great countries culture, unfortunately many are not, controlled immigration is fine, an open door policy is not.


I'm not sure what you mean by this "countries culture". I was born and bred in a mining village. I would think my "culture" is quite different to someone from say the London stockbroker belt, or a Lake District sheep farmer, or etc etc. I'm not sure I've integrated with them - or them with me.

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