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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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There are far too many people in this country putting a strain on healthcare,


Yeah, sick people.




Yeah, bloody kids!


housing etc it has to stop somewhere.


Housing! Outrageous, we should just let people sleep on the streets.


Oh hang on - you mean we should only let white British people use the NHS, go to school or have somewhere decent to live!


That makes you ...

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I will name East Dene in Rotherham as an area where multi culturalism has already failed the mainly elderly residents have repeatedly called for help from the local councillor and he has refused to even visit the area. Pitsmoor, Burngreave, Fir Vale are filthy, run down areas with high crime rates that consist mostly of immigrants, its high time the blinkers came off and these issues were addressed. You can reply all night with your politically correct garbage all night, I know what I see with my own eyes and I work in different areas of Sheffield on a daily basis.

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More than likely by immigrants.


There are far too many people in this country putting a strain on healthcare, schools, housing etc it has to stop somewhere.


There are also millions of people who weren't born here who are contributing to the system, but don't let facts get in the way of your irrelevant spleen venting.


Anyway, it wasn't the odd health tourist that murdered that young lad today.


---------- Post added 23-05-2013 at 00:43 ----------


I will name East Dene in Rotherham as an area where multi culturalism has already failed the mainly elderly residents have repeatedly called for help from the local councillor and he has refused to even visit the area. Pitsmoor, Burngreave, Fir Vale are filthy, run down areas with high crime rates that consist mostly of immigrants, its high time the blinkers came off and these issues were addressed. You can reply all night with your politically correct garbage all night, I know what I see with my own eyes and I work in different areas of Sheffield on a daily basis.


G'night then :)

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I will name East Dene in Rotherham as an area where multi culturalism has already failed the mainly elderly residents have repeatedly called for help from the local councillor and he has refused to even visit the area. Pitsmoor, Burngreave, Fir Vale are filthy, run down areas with high crime rates that consist mostly of immigrants, its high time the blinkers came off and these issues were addressed. You can reply all night with your politically correct garbage all night, I know what I see with my own eyes and I work in different areas of Sheffield on a daily basis.


Misinformation is a pretty unimaginative way to try and get your racist agenda across.


Offer your evidence I'll assume it's a simple racist lie.

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There are also millions of people who weren't born here who are contributing to the system, but don't let facts get in the way of your irrelevant spleen venting.


Anyway, it wasn't the odd health tourist that murdered that young lad today.


....and there are many, many more who are not and never will.


I seem to have two main detractors on here let me ask you this:


If a referendum was issued tomorrow with the question "Should immigration in the UK be dramatically curbed" what would the result be?


Would you be happy to live in any of the areas I have mentioned?

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But think about that logically, crazybaby...


How many Muslims did the BBC have to interview before those prats, before they found the ones who were stupid enough to say/ think such things, and to give them the soundbite they wanted, to tell the story with the slant the BBC wanted to put on it?


I don't think that is fair with respect, as I have been watching this I have seen the BBC continually saying 'this is not confirmed' with any of the information that has broken over the past hours. They have just reported what has happened over a time period. I genuinely do not think the BBC would distort the news. They are respected the world over for not doing so.

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Misinformation is a pretty unimaginative way to try and get your racist agenda across.


Offer your evidence I'll assume it's a simple racist lie.


Lets resort to the old racist argument shall we, the UK is too full whether they be black, white, green or blue, something has to be done to curb the amounts of people, limiting immigration not only makes it better for the people who have come to these shore and already settled but the indigenous population as well.


Could you answer my two previous questions please.

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....and there are many, many more who are not and never will.


I seem to have two main detractors on here let me ask you this:


If a referendum was issued tomorrow with the question "Should immigration in the UK be dramatically curbed" what would the result be?


Would you be happy to live in any of the areas I have mentioned?


I lived in Page Hall for over 30yrs, never been burgled or had any vehicles stolen/broken into etc..

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....and there are many, many more who are not and never will.


I seem to have two main detractors on here let me ask you this:


If a referendum was issued tomorrow with the question "Should immigration in the UK be dramatically curbed" what would the result be?


Would you be happy to live in any of the areas I have mentioned?


I've lived in Pitsmoor. I live in Sharrow, both areas that have a bad reputation, but I have never felt scared of living there. I've never had a problem with living in those districts.

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