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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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Can anyone think of a subset of the Irish population that wouldn't support the IRA... you have 30 seconds for this part.
Yep. having lived there for a few years, I can categorically state that most of the Irish population in the Republic, and a non-trivial amount of the Irish population to its North, wouldn't -and as a matter of fact do not- support the IRA or, for that matter, it's political branch Sinn fein (which most of the Irish population in the Republic hold as an extremist party of nutters, as in closer to the BNP than UKIP).


A problem with the situation created (yet again) by the 2 attackers, is that it highlights the essentially 'blank cheque' terrorists have in this country after the fact in real terms. Meaning, a judiciary process and decades of prison at worse. I'm not saying that is wrong of course (it's what makes us 'civilised' and gives us the moral high ground), but it is no deterrent as such to an extremist ready and willing to sacrifice him/herself, and a deterrent is what is needed to help prevent such events.


In such instances, and in such instances only (as in: terrorist has commited act, has been caught in the act and liability is 100% incontrovertible), I would have the Gvt adopt a disproportionate response policy, and sod the ECHR/judicial process. Instant, focused reprisal on known and proven (by security services) accomplices/terror promoters. E.g. lift Qatada and extended family within the hour of that attack and charterise them all to Jordan, and use a bit of thick skin to weather the political sh*tstorm sure to follow from Brussels.


End of that legal saga, associated costs and ridicule, and a clear msg to the nasties everywhere: leave the UK well alone, if you don't want to lose your financial/influence/etc. power base (let's not kid ourselves, why is Qatada and others of his ilk here, rather than Continental Europe, the US or the Middle east?). Rinse-repeat until the msg sinks in, or until all the terror figurehead have been shifted. Move on to charterising attackers' families after that (whether home-grown or not). They may be completely innocent indeed, but so were the victims of the act and their families.


Yep, makes us as bad as them. Yep, slippery slope re. civil liberties. Yep, it's baaad. But it might just help prevent a few, and at any rate removes an aggravating factor.


/rant ;)

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Banning islam would be a good start.?

Then anyone found practising islam would be deported to a country where practising islam isnt against the law?


Banning Islam? What would that achieve? You can't ban what people believe.

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It was done in the name of their extremist view of Islam. ?


So it was done in the name if islam then.


The majority of Muslims will be as disgusted as everyone else by this killing.


You assume that to be the case unless youve taken a poll of the whole of the muslim population of Great Britain.

Have you done a poll of the views of the whole of the muslims in the uk?



Recently there were two children murdered in France, by their father. Should we therefore blame all fathers too?

Did he do it in the name of allah? jesus? or any of the other made up characters?

No, He did it because he was mentally ill

having said that he should be imprisoned for the rest of his natural.

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It was done in the name of their extremist view of Islam. The majority of Muslims will be as disgusted as everyone else by this killing.


Recently there were two children murdered in France, by their father. Should we therefore blame all fathers too?


The torture of the little girl for witchcraft was done in the name of Christianity (extremist) in this country, better ban that too.

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Banning Islam? What would that achieve? You can't ban what people believe.


You can ban them from practising it i suppose..

I never said you can ban people from believing it.


---------- Post added 23-05-2013 at 09:37 ----------


The torture of the little girl for witchcraft was done in the name of Christianity (extremist) in this country, better ban that too.


Ban all religion.

Its well past its sell by date and its only holding us back from our full potential.

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Some say the EDL wouldnt be in existence had it not been for the muslim problem.

They may be knuckle dragging morons but that changes nothing.

Some believe without the aggressive and intrusive islam slowly taking over the country, the EDL wouldnt even exist.

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