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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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Have you got blood lust calling for rivers of blood ? Let me guess your not Christian ?


It's people like you who have prolonged this


That’s a bit hypocritical, almost every war, terrorist attack, mass genocide, etc is fuelled by religion. Religion is constantly used throughout the world to justify evil acts and personal gain. I'd happily welcome anybody into this country providing they’re here with the intention to work, employ, contribute to the system and abide by our laws/society. Comments such as; 'send them all back to their own country' typically come from the small minded long-term benefit leeches that overbreed and live off hand me outs.


While I agree we should get tough in terms of punishment the actions of a few evil individuals shouldn’t reflect on others that maybe have the same skin colour or nationality!

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Obviously you didnt.

But thanks for clearing that up :)


"I didn't watch Newsnight, but what you say about the chaps outside Tesco is worrying. I hope that it is nothing more than youthful bravado. "


How could that have been any clearer? Your smiley does nothing to cover up your loss of face on this one.

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Right back in whose face? I quote "One man's hero is another man's terrorist"


I know what you mean, but ... can you imagine what would happen if any supporters of the murderer decided to wear a 'Help for Heroes' t-shirt!


---------- Post added 23-05-2013 at 03:16 ----------



In actual fact, both situations are caused by extremists. The reporting of it is down to journalists.


Wise words. I doubt a Help for Hero's collector would get many donations on the streets of many a middle east town

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That would suit me down to the ground

Itll never happen of course. Theres far too many deluded, weak people who need their god :)


It'll never happen because people have a right to go about their lives peacefully, believing in whatever they want to believe in. There are millions and millions of people in this world with a religious belief, none of whom would ever contemplate harming another human being. Why should they not be allowed to follow their beliefs & read the books they wish to read just because you happen to think its rubbish & a few crazed individuals with warped minds want to kill people for reasons that are truly nothing to do with their religion at all?

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That’s a bit hypocritical, almost every war, terrorist attack, mass genocide, etc is fuelled by religion. Religion is constantly used throughout the world to justify evil acts and personal gain. I'd happily welcome anybody into this country providing they’re here with the intention to work, employ, contribute to the system and abide by our laws/society. Comments such as; 'send them all back to their own country' typically come from the small minded long-term benefit leeches that overbreed and live off hand me outs.


While I agree we should get tough in terms of punishment the actions of a few evil individuals shouldn’t reflect on others that maybe have the same skin colour or nationality!


That's right but before the usual suspects gloss over this. This incident wasn't down to Christians, Buddhists, Mormons etc. It was muslims who want this country and the rest of the world to become an Islamic ghetto controlled by Sharia law.


The sooner we get a grip on these folk and start to deport the fundamentalists the better. No amount of deleting posts or forummers up half the night trying to gloss over the facts will alter that.

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And I really, really think the news organisations should stop showing the clip of that deranged idiot ranting to the camera & take it down off their websites too. Surely they're just giving them all the publicity they could wish for by continuing to play it?


And quite possibly giving other people the idea for further acts, seeing how much publicity for their "cause" this has provided. I've just seen the newspapers & the same guy is splashed over every one.

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That's right but before the usual suspects gloss over this. This incident wasn't down to Christians, Buddhists, Mormons etc. It was muslims who want this country and the rest of the world to become an Islamic ghetto controlled by Sharia law.


The sooner we get a grip on these folk and start to deport the fundamentalists the better. No amount of deleting posts or forummers up half the night trying to gloss over the facts will alter that.


One of them was shouting out 'an eye for an eye', which is from Exodus, I believe. Maybe he was the one who was a former Christian, now Muslim convert.


---------- Post added 23-05-2013 at 11:05 ----------


And I really, really think the news organisations should stop showing the clip of that deranged idiot ranting to the camera & take it down off their websites too. Surely they're just giving them all the publicity they could wish for by continuing to play it?


I agree, and surely this is in breach of contempt laws for any subsequent trial?:confused:

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Where would you deport them to?


There is a very simple answer to that one. As with Qatada, you tell folk that they are not welcome in this country. You withdraw all rights, benefits and everything else. You then offer them the option of detention or getting on a boat or plane to wherever will take them. It's there problem not ours.

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