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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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So you're proposal is we ban everyone from coming to Great Britain? Do that include importer & exporters, tourists, students, etc?


Did I say that? No. I said get rid of the fundamentalist scrubbers who are here. MI5 know who they are. Start with Qatada.

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In the ITV news video, the guy with bloodied hands in his London accent, says, 'you people', 'your government' after he has mentioned 'our land' and 'our women' ? ...... well if that's how he thinks he should not be here, and likewise anyone else with the same attitude ..... sick brainwashed turds like that have just recruited a few thousand more EDL supporters !

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This is a discussion about the horrific killing of a serviceman, here in the UK. It doesn't warrant bickering and point scoring. As a contributor to this thread, I won't be moderating it, but I'd ask people to remember what it is really about.


Thank you.

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One of them was shouting out 'an eye for an eye', which is from Exodus, I believe. Maybe he was the one who was a former Christian, now Muslim convert.


If you actually take the quote in the correct context, as it was used in the bible as a plea for proportionality of retalliation, not as a call for vengance.


As in: If you enemy takes an eye, only take an eye in retalliation, do not kill him or his kin. etc.

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... sick brainwashed turds like that have just recruited a few thousand more EDL supporters !

Good job the EDL are around to help Britain out in our time of struggle. :)


When I first heard that a soldier had been hacked to death, I thought "I wonder where my balaclava is. I fancy fighting with the police".



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**News reports are now saying it's being treated as a terrorist attack by Islamic extremists**


And that is all it will take for people to believe it and start on the hate bandwagon.........A news report....


These two men were obviously evil bar stewards, and should have been dispatched, not wounded. They were ''seen'' to do the killing, so why did the Police spare their lives? More money to waste on pointless court cases.


Can you wonder why an Islamic Fundamentalist would want to retaliate? Could it be because of what has been done to their innocent families and kinsmen, since the US and Britain illegally invaded their countries to get their hands on the Drugs/Oil and Gas etc..

What would you do in that situation - just roll over and let the invaders take anything they wanted?

See 'The New US and British Oil Imperialism by Norman D Livergood' to be informed?




I have been wondered how long it would take for reprisals? After what the Iraqis/Afghans/Libyans and all the rest have been suffering.


then see:-



It is an absolutely appalling state of affairs!! How many more people are going to have to die for the Oil and Drugs Cartels?

Time to put an end to the killing of innocent people, on both sides. Time to bring all our troops home NOW, and leave people to sort their own countries out, in their own way.

I say bugger the oil...and lets start concentrating on alternative fuels?

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There is an interesting live blog on the Guardian website...




Police are searching a house in Lincoln where the family of one of the suspects, Michael Olumide Adebolajo (born in Lambeth) lives.


Adebolajo had a Muslim name, Mujaahid, which means one who engages in Jihad.

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That's right but before the usual suspects gloss over this. This incident wasn't down to Christians, Buddhists, Mormons etc. It was muslims who want this country and the rest of the world to become an Islamic ghetto controlled by Sharia law.


Would that be all Muslims or just the Muslims who "want this country and the rest of the world turned into an Islamic ghetto"?


Ps..and who are the 'usual suspects'? You seem to have a bit of a persecution complex


---------- Post added 23-05-2013 at 13:05 ----------


No, you're right, sadly it will create edl members. It will create distrust and fear within communities. As a terrorist attack it did exactly what it needed to do - terrorise.


I don't entirely agree, there are many examples in history where grave misdeeds have brought communities together..I'm thinking about people like Mairead Maguire and Betty Williams who founded the Northern Ireland peace movement, FW de Clerk & Mandela in South Africa and more recently Doreen Lawrence.


Shocking events like this focus the collective mind and although there will undoubtedly be isolated incidents of retribution against the Muslim community, I'm sure they're expecting a bloody nose and will rise above it, just as the majority of non-Muslims will see the futility in hatred.

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