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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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**News reports are now saying it's being treated as a terrorist attack by Islamic extremists**


And that is all it will take for people to believe it and start on the hate bandwagon.........A news report....


These two men were obviously evil bar stewards, and should have been dispatched, not wounded. They were ''seen'' to do the killing, so why did the Police spare their lives? More money to waste on pointless court cases.


Can you wonder why an Islamic Fundamentalist would want to retaliate? Could it be because of what has been done to their innocent families and kinsmen, since the US and Britain illegally invaded their countries to get their hands on the Drugs/Oil and Gas etc..

What would you do in that situation - just roll over and let the invaders take anything they wanted?

See 'The New US and British Oil Imperialism by Norman D Livergood' to be informed?





I have been wondered how long it would take for reprisals? After what the Iraqis/Afghans/Libyans and all the rest have been suffering.


then see:-



It is an absolutely appalling state of affairs!! How many more people are going to have to die for the Oil and Drugs Cartels?

Time to put an end to the killing of innocent people, on both sides. Time to bring all our troops home NOW, and leave people to sort their own countries out, in their own way.

I say bugger the oil...and lets start concentrating on alternative fuels?


We dont want them dead,two reasons 1,we dont want martyrs, 2, we need to know if this is a one off or something more sinister...dead men dont talk

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Yes it was.

One of the murderer said so.

Also, can you tell me any other religion whos followers shout "Allahu Akbar"?

It was done in the name of islam. Saying it wasnt wont change that.



You could use the same analogy to say that the idiots in the Ku Klux Klan do what they do in the name of Christianity. It doesn't make it true, even if you say it till you are blue in the face.


As someone else said, above, someone could commit an atrocious act like this and say that Glamrocker spoke to them through their morning cornmflakes, and ordered them to do it.

You really don't have to try very hard, to come out with nonsense, do you?


Some years ago, my ex:- beat me up, shouting at me that he "knew" that I had been sleeping with another man. It didn't make it true. He "knew" that I had been unfaithful to him, even though I and the man he was accusing me of sleeping with, both knew that we hadn't.


As in this case, it was just another case of someone trying to turn their own opinions into their own facts!

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What a strange thing to say. :confused:

No stranger and irrational then the comments you were expressing. You were endorsing the ban on religion and holy books.

I was giving you an example of where that ban has been implemented rather successfully with the threat of execution.

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It was done in the name of their extremist view of Islam. The majority of Muslims will be as disgusted as everyone else by this killing.


Recently there were two children murdered in France, by their father. Should we therefore blame all fathers too?


;) We certainly should. All children should, in future, be immaculately concieved, without males having played any part at all in the conception. This will ensure that the father in the French case will never father a child whom he can kill, ever again...



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You could use the same analogy to say that the idiots in the Ku Klux Klan do what they do in the name of Christianity. It doesn't make it true, even if you say it till you are blue in the face.
Very true PT, equally I don't see the activities of the Westboro Baptists being blamed on anything other than a bunch of idiots, their (christian) religion is almost incidental.

As someone else said, above, someone could commit an atrocious act like this and say that Glamrocker spoke to them through their morning cornmflakes, and ordered them to do it.

You really don't have to try very hard, to come out with nonsense, do you?

You're more likely to hear Glamrocker mumbling from a bowl of Sugar Puffs...in his incarnation as the Honey Monster.
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Because we don't know that.

All we know is that some nutter and his mate murdered a young lad (allegedly just incase this ever does get read and used to cry trial by media not that I think that)


I could go kill someone and claim Glamrocker spoke to me through my cornflakes and made me do it.

Wouldn't make it true.

You dont read the news then

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Can you wonder why an Islamic Fundamentalist would want to retaliate? Could it be because of what has been done to their innocent families and kinsmen, ...




Yes I do wonder why, because the justification for violence and why somebody is targeted to be violently murdered is a shared belief in a deity. How pathetically backwards is that?


Do you wonder why people don't randomly retaliate on people who don't like classical music because somebody who shared their love of Tchaikovsky was murdered by a punk rocker?


Do you wonder why Islamic terrorists in the west don't choose to target Muslims because their "kinsmen" seem to suffer at the hands of other Muslims?


Does "kinsmen" intolerance of other "kinsmen" not count, or not wind you up as much? This would explain why nobody seems to notice what happens in Western Sahara.


I'm sick of this voluntary chosen sectarianism based on nothing.



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Ah, a simple answer. It passed me by.


With a trial, I presume? Or you'd just lock them up anyway and sort that small problem out later?


as he well knows, Chris, if he wants detention without trial, Gitmo already exists for that purpose...

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You could use the same analogy to say that the idiots in the Ku Klux Klan do what they do in the name of Christianity.
But the fact is, they do :( The KKK's 'divine' claims as justification for their acts, are entirely comparable with those proferred for this act. Same idiots, different deity.

It doesn't make it true right

Some years ago, my ex:- beat me up, shouting at me that he "knew" that I had been sleeping with another man. It didn't make it true. He "knew" that I had been unfaithful to him, even though I and the man he was accusing me of sleeping with, both knew that we hadn't.


As in this case, it was just another case of someone trying to turn their own opinions into their own facts!

With the utmost of respect, PT, I don't believe that analogy is valid in context. It would be, if your ex- had so abused you in the name of his religious beliefs, rather than (apparently-) jealousy.


Don't rise to the broad-brushers ;)

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