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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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That may have been the intention - at least one eyewitness says they were shot in the legs.


I'm glad they're still alive as are many people I've spoken to today.

That way they'll end up before a jury and go down for a very long time.


And if they are part of an organised group, they are valuable sources of intel.

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That may have been the intention - at least one eyewitness says they were shot in the legs.


I'm glad they're still alive as are many people I've spoken to today.

That way they'll end up before a jury and go down for a very long time.


Yes i'm glad they are alive. Life in solitary confinement , no religion and no visitors . It's the only way to control extremeists without the death penalty.

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And that is a bad thing?


Unlike your great country, we like to find out the reasons why people commit atrocities, and if they have any mates who also need apprehending. The swift "justice" of shooting them on the spot is exactly what these two idiots wanted (just like Anders Brevich) because it makes them martyrs and stops anyone finding out where they got their stupid ideas from.


The "stupid ideas" you talk about probably came from the dark side of the internet.

It must be full of websites belonging to hate groups and it's quite obvious that there's no way to shut them down and even if there was it wouldnt be allowed

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Judging by the behaviour of the Westbro Baptist Church then Christianity is also a dangerous cult and should be banned.

Why have they just carved a off duty young soldier up on a public street,have they blown any buses up,have they demolished a couple of skyscrapers with aeroplanes,have they posted videos of themselves decapitating helpless bound civilians ,do they seek world domination for their religion,are they active in this country and worldwide can you answer yes to any of the questions ?


---------- Post added 23-05-2013 at 17:17 ----------


That may have been the intention - at least one eyewitness says they were shot in the legs.


I'm glad they're still alive as are many people I've spoken to today.

That way they'll end up before a jury and go down for a very long time.

Preferably in a military prison or let Charley Bronson have them for an hour or so

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dosxuk - that mocking statement was not aimed at you, and I have just read your post.


thank you for taking the time to politely put your point across, which with most points I do understand where you are coming from.


I do think things need to change though, this will continue to happen, as said how many people need to die before we say enough is enough.


the guy who has done this openly stated it was in the name of Islam, we need to look closely at where he got his crazy ideas from.

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My mrs who is English has just told me that she was in Meadowhall with a muslim hijab wearing friend this afternoon and she heard a guy saying quite loudly as she went past to his mate that all muslims regardless of wether they were born here should be sent back.

My mrs as she walked past him told him that her children were muslim and that people like him were just as bad as the extremists and to go get a life.

Is this the kind of crap that is now going to be happening?

All the times I have ever had racist abuse directed at me has been from white people but I don't go around thinking all white people are racist.

All this kind of behaviour does is divide people when we should all stick together and not let the extremists win.

As an example if muslim extremists ever got in power in Britain (highly unlikely) than I can tell you that they would even say to me that if I didn't grow a beard I would go to jail even though I am a muslim.

Extremists always take things to the extreme and just because they say they are doing it in the name of Islam people need to realise that they don't represent all muslims or Islam.

Yes there are some muslims about with extreme views just like their are non muslims about with far right views but please lets not forget that the actions of a few do not represent the wishes or views of the majority.

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That may have been the intention - at least one eyewitness says they were shot in the legs.


I'm glad they're still alive as are many people I've spoken to today.

That way they'll end up before a jury and go down for a very long time.


Yes indeed. Housed, clothed,and fed. Perhaps even living in more comfortable circumastances than some poor old aged pensioner

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Why have they just carved a off duty young soldier up on a public street,have they blown any buses up,have they demolished a couple of skyscrapers with aeroplanes,have they posted videos of themselves decapitating helpless bound civilians ,do they seek world domination for their religion,are they active in this country and worldwide can you answer yes to any of the questions ?


If you're after casualty figures and acts of barbarism, then the Christian church doesn't need the Westbro Baptists, it stands on it's own feet. There's been many more people killed in the name of the Christian God over the last two millennia than there has been in the name of Allah. However, both religions have a vast majority of supporters who use it as a basis for good, love and peace.


I do find it amusing yet sad that people are willing to overlook the actions of a few Christians doing things in the name of their God as nutters with no right to claim to be Christian, but if someone says they're doing it in the name of Islam then it means the whole religion and all it's supporters are dangerous half-humans out to kill us all.

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''We dont want them dead, two reasons

1,we dont want martyrs,

2, we need to know if this is a one off or something more sinister...dead men dont talk''


I suppose I would agree with that..... but they will be martyrs to the cause of the extremists anyway... dead or alive.


What I am heartily sick of is hearing about people who have been welcomed and tolerated by this country - biting the hand that has fed them. As someone else said, the POLICE KNOW WHO THEY ARE and they should be rounded up immediately!!!!! (just like they did with the looters and football hooligans?)

Take them to one of the Holiday Camps/Holding Centres if they don't like the way things are here; until arrangements can be made to deport them, to an Islamist country of their choice. Simple....


Are you aware that this Government have been allowing Islamic mercenaries to travel to Syria to fight on the side of the rebels???? What kind of message does that give any others who harbour these ideals? Do you think they don't talk to one another?


We should not take the law into our own hands, as someone above suggested the EDL would be doing....

That would be moronic and puerile, and make us no better than them. Better that we email and lobby our Councillors and MP's to implement better laws to deal with trouble makers, of every type, because the laws we have at the moment are a joke. Like - criminals being given an eight month sentence and only serving two...


What we need to remember is that 90% of the Islamists living amongst us are law abiding people, who came here to live in peace, just like us. And it is they who are going to suffer because of the evil deeds of the few. Just as we do at the hands of the psychopathic criminals who live amongst us.


I've just watched the actual video... and am wondering how come the bloke with the chopper had blood soaked hands, but no blood on his clothes or face, despite just having allegedly 'hacked' someone's head off? Didn't his jugular shoot blood all over the place? And why were his hands bright red.. when blood goes brown when in contact with air? And why did they stand around to be filmed instead of running away? And why was the woman who cradled the 'dead man,' and the one who went to speak to the attacker - not afraid; if the men were crazed fundamentalists?

I would have been petrified, and I am tough as old boots, having dealt with many sociopathic people in my time.. Something doesn't seem at all right about all this.. but I can't put my finger on it.. Does anyone else feel the same?


As you say... this feels rather more SINISTER than it did when first hearing about it...........and 'terrorist attack' just doesn't cut it for me.......

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