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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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How very convenient for you to be an atheist and be detached from any association with terrorism with that opinion.


In a religious war, as some people want to see happen, atheism is just another faction, nobody can expect to be detached from the effects and repercussions.


Most Christians and Muslims are people of peace, they don't condone violence and murder as well you know..


Are you denying that atrocities have been committed by people operating for "the good" of the Christian faith and / or in the name of the Christian God? Terrorists come from all backgrounds, not all, by a long way, being religiously motivated. I'm trying to point out that it's stupid to blame an entire religion and it's supporters for the abhorrent behaviour of a few who claim to be doing it in the interests of / for that religion.


I'm quite happy to say of all the religious people I know, none of them condone violence and murder. Although I suspect some of them are likely to have a few weeks of comments to the opposite from knuckle draggers...

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One has to question both mainstream media and government values as possibly hypocritical, as it is fine, just and correct to when western nations continuously kill Muslim civilians, that's not "terrorism", but unfortunate, regardless of the thousands accidentally killed, and as accidents perfectly acceptable.


Bur it is very wrong, thus qualifying as acts of terror, when Muslims kill western soldiers, either those that have invaded their country or those stationed abroad, as in the UK itself. We being British have a God given mandate, to kill whoever we wish wherever they happen to reside outside of the UK??? That is surely terrorism too?


What was Iraq about? Oil concessions. What was Libya about? Oil concessions. What is Syria about? Oil concessions and the road to Iran oil concessions.


What are the wars in Africa about? Access to natural resources for western corporations.


So invasion, mass murder under the cloak of helping civilians when examined is a fraud, look at Libya, Iraq. Are the civilians jumping for joy at the wonderful world the west has given them?


Is is sad when anyone dies, mothers loose a child, families are distraught, and misery is the only outcome. We in the UK with the USA dispense misery like it was a life saving elixir, and wonder why grief stricken people who feel there is nothing left to do but sacrifice themselves in the name of justice, allow vilification of cultures. Two wrongs do not make a right, but are we right in our foreign policies? What is good for the goose is surely good for the gander?


What happened to fairness, anyone seen it?


No fairness here thanks ... we're British.


Why are enemy combatants classed as 'terrorists'? However, when the west commits mass-murder of peaceful non-combatants in their 100'000's, we call ourselves hero's...


I also don't understand how we are brave, when we have tanks, helicopter gunships, far superior military hardware and tech at out disposal; while in contrast, our enemy practically has bows and arrows...


What's more, intelligent, fair-minded, free-thinking people who point out the hypocrisy at play in the world; are often portrayed as being un-patriotic or whatever, and that we should be grateful to our armed forces protection...


I wonder if the people of Dresden, Hiroshima et al, should be grateful for the protection of their armed forces, as the bombs started to fall? Or was it the case that war-mongering elements, actually brought about death and destruction for their own civilian populations?


I can't see it getting any better either, I can only see things getting worse, with more wars, fed by ignorance, greed, fear ... such is humanity.

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Guns, yes. Large knives? Anyone can own a large knife, carrying one in public without a legitimate reason is an offence.


He had two large knives. Guess he wasn't too bothered about obeying the law. Didn't those two maniacs also have a gun?


I also read this morning that members of the military have been advised not to wear their uniforms in public since this incident. Is this true?

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So much for gun control. Isn't there a ban on possession of guns and large knives in the UK?


Amazon delivers machetes through your post box for a tenner. Less than two hours wages.


You can own low power air rifles (capable of killing a rabbit), and get licenses for more powerful rifles, and shotguns.


If you were to carry any of the above openly in the street you'd get in trouble. You'd be alright if you had them packed away and were merely transporting them.

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Anders breivik, exactly, more evidence that multiculturalism does not work. This was 1 mans sick and twisted views, not thousands of potential young Muslims and Muslim converts.


Have 30 terror plots been foiled in Norway in the last 10 years.

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Apologies if it's already been posted but the EDL are spreading malicious rumours online that Muslims in the North West England are 'celebrating' the incident in Woolwich. However GMP have denied such celebrations taking place.

So uber trolls in the EDL are deliberately spreading lies to cause more tension and hope for race riots.

More here:http://liberalconspiracy.org/2013/05/23/did-muslims-in-oldham-celebrate-the-woolwich-attack-no/

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Anders breivik, exactly, more evidence that multiculturalism does not work. This was 1 mans sick and twisted views, not thousands of potential young Muslims and Muslim converts.


Have 30 terror plots been foiled in Norway in the last 10 years.


But that isn't evidence multi-culturism doesn't work, I think the fact events like this aren't routine demonstrates it DOES work.

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No not now its the Americans and Uk now that use drones to wipe out entire family at the touch of a button for very little reason except that they (look like terrorists) I.E are grouped together suspiciously... its happening all to often in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

and whats frightening is that people are not more outraged about that. after all its just johnny foreigner!!!. none of us know them so what the hell

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In a religious war, as some people want to see happen, atheism is just another faction, nobody can expect to be detached from the effects and repercussions.




Are you denying that atrocities have been committed by people operating for "the good" of the Christian faith and / or in the name of the Christian God? Terrorists come from all backgrounds, not all, by a long way, being religiously motivated. I'm trying to point out that it's stupid to blame an entire religion and it's supporters for the abhorrent behaviour of a few who claim to be doing it in the interests of / for that religion.


I'm quite happy to say of all the religious people I know, none of them condone violence and murder. Although I suspect some of them are likely to have a few weeks of comments to the opposite from knuckle draggers...

Few people will blame a whole religion and all its members, those that will are just blind ignorant bigots.
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Anders breivik, exactly, more evidence that multiculturalism does not work. This was 1 mans sick and twisted views, not thousands of potential young Muslims and Muslim converts.


I'll ask you the same question I asked another poster earlier today (which unsurprisingly went unanswered)...


Would you say the way to tackle this kind of extremism by UK nationals, in the UK, is more:

a) integration, acceptance and understanding;

or b) hatred, isolation and eviction?



Few people will blame a whole religion and all its members, those that will are just blind ignorant bigots.


Quite a few on here trying to justify doing exactly that. Facebook, Twitter and the wider world are full of it.

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