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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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My mrs who is English has just told me that she was in Meadowhall with a muslim hijab wearing friend this afternoon and she heard a guy saying quite loudly as she went past to his mate that all muslims regardless of wether they were born here should be sent back.

My mrs as she walked past him told him that her children were muslim and that people like him were just as bad as the extremists and to go get a life.

Is this the kind of crap that is now going to be happening?

All the times I have ever had racist abuse directed at me has been from white people but I don't go around thinking all white people are racist.

All this kind of behaviour does is divide people when we should all stick together and not let the extremists win.

As an example if muslim extremists ever got in power in Britain (highly unlikely) than I can tell you that they would even say to me that if I didn't grow a beard I would go to jail even though I am a muslim.

Extremists always take things to the extreme and just because they say they are doing it in the name of Islam people need to realise that they don't represent all muslims or Islam.

Yes there are some muslims about with extreme views just like their are non muslims about with far right views but please lets not forget that the actions of a few do not represent the wishes or views of the majority.


Firstly, sorry to hear about your wife and her friend having to endure this crap. Secondly, excellent post. We should all stand together as these extremists thrive on creating discord and tension.

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Don't you see the hypocrisy in proposing your own creed over another?


I'm not sure I said that... I wouldn't like to accuse you of misrepresenting others opinions but.....


I doubt he will see it that way, he wants a revolution! Probably like the one in Russia in 1917 with its subsequent failure.


I was thinking more political, not a violent uprising....

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RIP Drummer Rigby. As for the savages who did this find out who they are linked to and arrest them all. Build a holding centre on East Falkland, ship them all their for the rest of their lives.


No identified Islamist should be allowed to remain in Britain, it makes this sort thing inevitable. Leave the uk or be detained in the south Atlantic is the choice we need to give these rats today.


Can we do the same with any hate crime murderers? The racists? Misogynists? Homophobes?

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Samgale - I don't usually travel into that area of sheffield, so I wouldn't know, there are more predicted to be coming next January so make of that what you will.


My opinions are based on what I see in Rotherham which I know well and have spent a lot of time here


I have housing council worker pals



Romanians are already here


No doubt


Government has open border policy for a good reason

So average brit will blame the immigrant for all issues instread of the elite ,

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Will someone answer the question I have raised several times.


What happens if we stand together, sit tight and act normal.


Do people think this will just go away if its ignored and swept under the carpet?


Or will it continue to happen like it has, and get worse

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I'm not sure I said that... I wouldn't like to accuse you of misrepresenting others opinions but.....


Well you were the one promoting Atheism over religion as a suitable way of combating religious extremists who're complaining about being repressed.



I was thinking more political, not a violent uprising....


Going to be standing in 2015 as a candidate for the "Ban Religion" party then?

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