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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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Dosxuk - there are other options other than fight them or ignore them.


We need the Muslim community and the government to realise that there is the potential, a real threat of civil unrest if these situations keep on happening, people are fed up of the government ignoring the small people about mass immigration and forced multiculturalism.


Like said, iv seen very little from the Muslim community in the terms of help when these incidents happen, they just offer there sympathies and distance themselves as soon as they can.


Forign waged wars are the major radiclizing part ,


Thats obvious for a blind man to see,



Drone bombing kids

Invasion occupation , bloody hell THEY cant even be bothered to look after the returning service personal

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And Pakistan, where Yousef was 'protected' at the time, by the look of things. The WTC job reportedly brought Yousef to Bin Laden's attention after the fact.


See here (History Commons -beware, BIG page- goldmine of documented info).


Can I ignore it and just find a youtube video instead? :D


Seriously though, good link, shall peruse and update my recollections later :thumbsup:

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For someone who purports to know a lot about terrorism and foreign policies there seems to be some gaping holes in your knowledge.


I'm sorry however I thought the forum was aimed at people expressing their opinions. Whilst I can agree that not everyone will agree with my or other peoples opinions obviously I have hit a raw nerve with you.


Have you ever served in the British army on the front line risking your life every day during a tour of duty - no you haven't have you? Squaddies come home and get murdered in the street in cold blood - you make my blood boil. Where is the justice? when they've recovered some high profile lawyer will get them off scott free saying they were intimidated or something similar.


Just like many other people I saw what happened yesterday and it disgusts me, are you Islamic by any chance??


Incidentally I probably know very little about terrorism though if you've been on the front line you will understand this more as you see things in different perspectives from both sides before you comment.


The shoot first policy in sitreps like these tend to save lives from experience which is why the Police response unit shot them first or maybe you didn't notice this bit. Unfortunately they didn't slot them just injured them.


The fact that yesterday and today we had armed police and military personnel on the streets makes a statement unfortunately you seemed to have missed the boat on that one


I also support help for heroes and I am also proud of the newer generation of Squaddies, obviously you are not!


If you are ex military maybe you should view the AARSE website and view the comments on there, since yesterday there have been well over 80 pages of comments about this issue though squaddies don't hold back so many of the comments may offend you. The site states fact...go read...its not sensored

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And Pakistan, where Yousef was 'protected' at the time, by the look of things. The WTC job reportedly brought Yousef to Bin Laden's attention after the fact.


See here (History Commons -beware, BIG page- goldmine of documented info).


Yur link says


1980 recurited by cia ??


---------- Post added 23-05-2013 at 21:57 ----------


Norse men


I've heard they got shot in the legs , is that true ?


---------- Post added 23-05-2013 at 22:03 ----------


Why has the other accoplice not been named yet ?

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I'm sorry however I thought the forum was aimed at people expressing their opinions. Whilst I can agree that not everyone will agree with my or other peoples opinions obviously I have hit a raw nerve with you.




I also support help for heroes and I am also proud of the newer generation of Squaddies, obviously you are not!


The reason you and your ilk worry me is because of statements like these:

Its called giving Islamic nut jobs the right to settle in the UK and commit murder in the name of their religion/cult.


Whilst ever there is terrorism committed by Islamics I will never recognise Islam as a religion, it is nothing more than a murderous fanatical cult.


I work indirectly with some Islamics and the general air around them today has been extremely tender to say the least and I am surprised something didn't kick off.


I imagine so, it sounds like you were waiting for the opportunity.


you lot keep doing this they'll be a civil war in this country............


Provoked by the likes of you


Simple shoot first - endex!


And then we get nothing of benefit from these incidents, only negativity. If the information gained from these two staying alive means that we stop one other person from dying needlessly then it was worth it.


Every other country does, its only in the UK where we may abuse someones human rights if we do despite the fact they've just murdered someone in cold blood - its an utter disgrace this country. I have to say I'm ashamed.


I'm ashamed to be from the same nation as you. A nation which has always defended others human rights.


In case you haven't noticed in another 50 years its looking like this country will be largely Islamic




as they don't do condoms instead they mass produce as many children as possible...its like a bloody production line plus they can marry their first cousins which is in effect inbreeding and incest yet its legal?!?!?! no wonder so many children are born with genetic disabilities


You know that it's legal for you to marry your cousin too. Nothing to do with religion. If you don't like it, lobby the Government.


As much I agree with you on that some prat will state its against their human rights....:huh:


Human rights are good things. Abuse of the system isn't like with Qatada and he should be given the boot. But to want to scrap people's basic rights for no reason other than "I don't like the look of em" is, well, evil.


Anyway, as to why you worry me, it's because of all that bile and hatred you are spewing. You'll probably just turn this around as me wanting to defend the actions of worthless idiots like the two yesterday, but I'm not.


We can't fight hatred and intolerance with hatred, intolerance, degradation and violence. The route you are portraying above leads only to ruin for all of us.

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Forign waged wars are the major radiclizing part ,


Thats obvious for a blind man to see,



Drone bombing kids

Invasion occupation , bloody hell THEY cant even be bothered to look after the returning service personal


More inniocent Muslims have been killed by suicide bombers and terrorists among their own people than by any foreign power.


If governments cannot or will not deal with terrorists living within their countries then no one else is safer either there or anywhere else.


It's either elimination of known terrorist leaders by drone warfare or by ground invasion. Which is preferable? Leaving terrorists in peace is not an option


It's not a good thing that innocents get killed by drones but compared to deaths caused by tribal warfare as in Syria and Iraq are minute in numbers

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Here again


Have the terrorists won ? Give up freedom of speeach ?


Like China or N-Korea will you like it ?


How about rule of law ? Shall we forget about that also ?


No trial no jury ? Shall we call judge dread ?


No just open season on islamist terrorists.


The Nazis didn't win when we killed them, they lost.


Kill all the islamists, win the current war.


Let's start tomorrow. The early bird kills the revolting inhuman jihadi.

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Yur link says


1980 recurited by cia ??

Yes, allegedly in the early 80s to go fight (the USSR-) in Afghanistan. Seemingly means to an end, as he was reportedly already radicalised by then.


Feel free to read the rest of the page, educate yourself, and understand the point (start around 1992 and the Pakistani ISI, then progress to the WTC bombing in 1993).


Just reassure me on one thing, about your question: you don't believe that he let himself be recruited by the CIA for his love of the good'old US-of-A, do you? Surely you're not that naive...but then again, in view of posts so far...:D

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I'm busy tomorrow. Then it's the weekend. Then Bank Holiday.


Can we rearrange our global crusade for Tuesday? That suits me better.

Tuesdays a nightmare, Thursday any good?


Meh, not really an issue as it's not going to be you or me sorting it to be fair.

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