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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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More inniocent Muslims have been killed by suicide bombers and terrorists among their own people than by any foreign power.


If governments cannot or will not deal with terrorists living within their countries then no one else is safer either there or anywhere else.


It's either elimination of known terrorist leaders by drone warfare or by ground invasion. Which is preferable? Leaving terrorists in peace is not an option


It's not a good thing that innocents get killed by drones but compared to deaths caused by tribal warfare as in Syria and Iraq are minute in numbers


Agreed hundreds and thousands were and are being killed in Iraq terror bombings - did iraq Have these before we arrived ? NO


Libya had zero car bombings , do they have them now ? Yes


Looks like what ever we touch turns to ****ee , hence why war is the most horrible act you can inflict on people ,


Drones kill children , hundreds of them , so do wars


Occupying forign lands DOES NOT MAKE us safer ,

Its opposite effect


In Yemen due to drone bombings people more likly to accept al-Q

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So because you personally are not one of their targets then they are ok? Nice bit of self-interest there. There are people in the UK now who want to kill any Muslim, regardless of whether they are an Islamist or not. But since you're not a Muslim and are not part of the 'us' that is threatened, that's ok?


Now you're being silly... and a little dramatic I think.... If there are people who want to go about murdering innocent people because of the colour of their skin or their religion they are as few as those who carried out the terrorism yesterday...

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No just open season on islamist terrorists.


The Nazis didn't win when we killed them, they lost.


Kill all the islamists, win the current war.


Let's start tomorrow. The early bird kills the revolting inhuman jihadi.


I asked what type of camps are you egging on for ?..


Will your Muslim camps be like Auschwitz or Gitmo ?


Please define a islamist ? Any one who is a Muslim would count as your target ?



No the nazis were not wiped out , a good deal of them were shipped too the USA

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I didn't know this.



When we lived in Alameda and before the Naval Air Station was decomissioned, it was common to see sailors in uniform around town, in stores, restaurants, etc. When my father was in the navy, he didn't wear his uniform in public too much because I think my mother didn't like it, but I remember seeing him in it now and again.


Same thing when I briefly lived in San Diego. Sailors in uniform everywhere. Especially Friday and Saturday nights. I used to wonder if they had any other clothes. :confused:


Where we live now, I occasionally see a marine or two in uniform in public, but not often. When my son was a toddler, he loved the "jolly green giants" flying overhead on their way from Castle AFB in Merced to Alameda.




It was quite normal to wear uniform off base during my military days even in Vietnam and that place was a hundredfold more dangerous than anywhere else back then.

In Britain people reacted very positively to anyone wearing uniform. An old bloke once even asked me if I needed money for a beer or some fish and chips... such were those times.


Today our societies are being poisoned by religious terrorists and sick maniacs who go on shooting rampages. Little by little ever simple pleasures are being eroded.

Before Newtown when I picked up the grand kids from school I could wait for them in a nice tree shaded courtyard out of the sun and near the classrooms. Now the courtyard has been locked and secured and only staff are allowed in and out while we have to wait under the sun in 90 plus temperatures sometimes

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Now you're being silly... and a little dramatic I think.... If there are people who want to go about murdering innocent people because of the colour of their skin or their religion they are as few as those who carried out the terrorism yesterday...


Actually there has been a army of bloggers calling for all Muslims too be killed

This has been the case for years and years




Even this forum ( see Andy posts )


Call out for mass murder on a factory production scale ,

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Now you're being silly... and a little dramatic I think.... If there are people who want to go about murdering innocent people because of the colour of their skin or their religion they are as few as those who carried out the terrorism yesterday...


I didn't say there were lots of them. I think you came into that one part way through tbh.


Anyway, my overall point is that people shouldn't go bonkers or get terrorfied, as barbaric as this incident was it happens rarely in the UK and there is no reason to believe it's going to become more frequent.

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I didn't know this.



When we lived in Alameda and before the Naval Air Station was decomissioned, it was common to see sailors in uniform around town, in stores, restaurants, etc. When my father was in the navy, he didn't wear his uniform in public too much because I think my mother didn't like it, but I remember seeing him in it now and again.


Same thing when I briefly lived in San Diego. Sailors in uniform everywhere. Especially Friday and Saturday nights. I used to wonder if they had any other clothes. :confused:


Where we live now, I occasionally see a marine or two in uniform in public, but not often. When my son was a toddler, he loved the "jolly green giants" flying overhead on their way from Castle AFB in Merced to Alameda.


There may be some confusion. This thread is largely about occurrences in the UK.


The British Armed Forces and the US armed Forces are not the same thing and they do have different rules.


AFAIR the British order not to travel in uniform and to refrain from wearing uniform in public places came out in the mid-70's.


It's not at all uncommon to see off-duty US Forces personnel in uniform. (Particularly in the US.) It's rather less common to see British Forces personel in uniform when off-duty and indeed, from time to time (in Germany) US Forces personnel are advised not to wear uniform down-town.

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Agreed hundreds and thousands were and are being killed in Iraq terror bombings - did iraq Have these before we arrived ? NO


Libya had zero car bombings , do they have them now ? Yes


Looks like what ever we touch turns to ****ee , hence why war is the most horrible act you can inflict on people ,


Drones kill children , hundreds of them , so do wars


Occupying forign lands DOES NOT MAKE us safer ,

Its opposite effect


In Yemen due to drone bombings people more likly to accept al-Q


Bosnia was just a tactical error in our "war on Islam".


Not to mention granting planning permission for all those Mosques. We must have been tricked or diverted from our mission in the "war on Islam".


Or you could be talking bullpoo of course.


"War on Islam" or you talking bullpoo? Which one is it I wonder. :huh:

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No just open season on islamist terrorists.


The Nazis didn't win when we killed them, they lost.


Kill all the islamists, win the current war.


Let's start tomorrow. The early bird kills the revolting inhuman jihadi.


The Nazis were also formed while the advance nation of Germany was under freedoms and democracies ,



Then they found some lunatics ( like your self ) calling for the expulsion , murder of minorites,..


You are following the same pattern

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