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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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Agreed hundreds and thousands were and are being killed in Iraq terror bombings - did iraq Have these before we arrived ? NO


Libya had zero car bombings , do they have them now ? Yes


Looks like what ever we touch turns to ****ee , hence why war is the most horrible act you can inflict on people ,


Drones kill children , hundreds of them , so do wars


Occupying forign lands DOES NOT MAKE us safer ,

Its opposite effect


In Yemen due to drone bombings people more likly to accept al-Q


Christ on a bike, do you ever watch the news? Pick up a paper? A book? Before we waded into Libya (or rather invited to bomb Libya by one group of libyans) gadaffi got up to alsorts of human rights abuses including, but limited to, blowing up a 747 over Scotland. And we didn't even invade Libya let alone occupy it. Iraq is a basket case of a country but it wasn't a nice place for Shiites post 1991 and god awful for Kurds before it http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halabja_poison_gas_attack. That's the tip of a very big saddam shaped iceberg. Look into it. Besides how many Iraqis have taken part in suicide attacks outside of Iraq ? Not many I bet.

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The Nazis were also formed while the advance nation of Germany was under freedoms and democracies ,



Then they found some lunatics ( like your self ) calling for the expulsion , murder of minorites,..


You are following the same pattern


Yep he advocates killing certain brown people and then claims moral high ground for paying tax, you couldn't make it up.

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Why not issue soldiers with side arms. Every soldier knows how to use one. That way they can walk out in unfiorm and I doubt anyone would try to mess with them either.


I bet publicans in aldershot and other garrison towns really really hope that doesn't happen.

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The Nazis were also formed while the advance nation of Germany was under freedoms and democracies ,



Then they found some lunatics ( like your self ) calling for the expulsion , murder of minorites,..


You are following the same pattern


If you could point out where i called for the expulsion/murder of minorities then you are dashed clever as I didn't.


Current policy in Afghanistan: idenitfy jihadi, kill it.

Current policy in UK : identify jihadi, give it human rights, monitor it for a bit then resourses mean it has to be let roam, it eventually commits a horrific murder.


Simplify the process. Identify a jihadi, kill it. Where ever it is, especially in the homeland.


We do it in the 'stan we urgently need to do it here.

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I bet publicans in aldershot and other garrison towns really really hope that doesn't happen.


I never saw anyone getting drunk and going on a shooting spree. There were booze ups on fire bases with M-16s and other small arms all over the place

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