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Woolwich 'serious incident' 22 May 2013

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Give it chance,it has only just started on the home front.


I suppose sooner of later an act of terrorism would have to happen on UK shores. What happens next is anyone's guess since we've never had to deal with the aftermath of bigger incidents than this.

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I think he may have been misled.

Once a decision to use a firearm has been taken it has been decided that a less lethal option is excluded.

The point of aim would be the largest part of the body to create maximum damage to the major internal organs.

Attempting to shoot a weapon out of someone's hand or shoot in the leg to disable someone is a myth. If that was the aim, a less than lethal option would have been used.






I could very well be wrong to be honest, it was some yeas ago now, but my point still stands, if two people are openly admitting they set upon this poor fella with knifes etc, bragging about it in the street to passers by, why not shoot to kill. Keeping them at bay for the minimum amount of years this poor justice system will sentence them to, wont make a blind bit of difference. Rehabilitation went out the window many moons ago for these two.

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I could very well be wrong to be honest, it was some yeas ago now, but my point still stands, if two people are openly admitting they set upon this poor fella with knifes etc, bragging about it in the street to passers by, why not shoot to kill. Keeping them at bay for the minimum amount of years this poor justice system will sentence them to, wont make a blind bit of difference. Rehabilitation went out the window many moons ago for these two.


You don't think there's any benefit in the authorities questioning them to see if they can find out about any other would be terrorists?

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I was told by a Policeman that when the armed responses come, they shoot to wound, in this case I would have been shooting to kill, in fact, why weren't they? Not sure how people can still class religion as a good thing.


You always aim for the largest target. This isn't Hollywood. You fire at the largest available target, which is centre mass, you're less likely to miss and and a round to the chest will stop just about everyone. Aim for the head and miss you may just get whacked yourself.


Also it's significantly easier to question and gather intelligence from someone who is still alive than it is from a cadaver.

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