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Jane wilson woodthorp/manor youth worker

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Jane Wilson as worked on the estates for 26 years, running woodthorpe youthclub and heing reductions in crime, teenage pregnancy and drug abuse.she as worked with 3 generations of kids an she is there all times for them.everbody on the estate loves jane for what she as done for everyone. She also worked voluntary at the youthy from 12years old to 16

Sheffield futures who employed her forced her in to early redundancy by telling her they were taking her away from manor and woodthorpe and put her on other problem estates and they knew was that passionate about our areas that she would take it. Then 6 months down the line they asked her back as the club went down the swanny.so they gave her a year temp. She got it back to what it was booming again.

Then futures told jane the position was coming permenent again but she will have to sit an interview..... what after 26 years success?

The interview was set for a friday and that morning janes long time partner robert was rushed from work with blue lights with massive chest pains.jane couldnt think straight never mind attend an interview so she cancelled. Futures give jane till monday to attend it.how kind.robert had had a double heart attack and on monday was having a major operation.but

She attended the meeting purely for the love of the job. Next thing she knows they said she




had moved on making out she had gone on her own accord.now the estate kids are protesting.futures say she

failed the process and said she wasnt as qualified as the new lot who arnt from our area.

although jane wasnt thinking straight she loved her work with our kids she went.they gave

her job to someone with a better qualification.then they send a letter to every house hold saying jayne had walked away. It is so wrong.the club is now empty again and crime will definitely rise


---------- Post added 22-05-2013 at 20:16 ----------


Just found out the person who they chose to take over from jane as walked away after 2days so they have brought in youth workers from other areas so the position was never there for jane at all . Sheffield futures as no future on the manor or woodthorpe

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You might be better off posting the info in the main sheffield section, as more people will see it there.


This seems like the kind of thing you could get a campaign going for. It's really sad when people who genuinely care, get thrown out by these big beaurocratic companies and replaced by employees who don't understand the areas.

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Sheffield futures is a joke how could they ask jane to interview when dhe as been the life and sole of the young people of our areas. Then posting letters out making out she had just moved on without wanting to stay.then asking her to stay another month to show the new ones the ropes.how cheeky was that....woodthorpe want rid of futures thet are an uncaring outfit

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Why do you need 'Sheffield Futures', what exactly do they bring to the table, that you can't get elsewhere?


How about a petition? Leaflet the area and let everyone know what really went on. Have you notified local media yet?


By the way, there is no better qualification than being loved and wanted by the community. I wish you and Jane all the best in your plight.


This kind of think annoys the hell out of me. Small-fry middle management making ill informed retarded decisions. Someone more competent and in touch, ought to be replacing them...

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The bottom line is that the Council (who am I not the biggest fan of) have to provide services for the Woodthorpe / Manor estate because the people there can't / won't pay for it themselves.


If the people of Woodthorpe / Manor would set up their own youth group, with members of the community forming a management board, then they could employ who they wanted. This would really on money coming into this group - hence children attending the youth group would have to pay.


Councils are going through cuts. Blame who you want but it is no longer possible to pay someone 15-20K a year to supervise kids playing pool.


The attitude of people on this estate has once again shone through (taken from Sheffield Futures response to the matter):


Unfortunately, in the past week Community Youth Team workers have been subjected to physical threats and intimidation by people purporting to be acting in the interests of the local community against the alleged dismissal of Jane Wilson. In a number of incidents, female workers from my company have been threatened and intimidated by adult males entering the club during delivery sessions to young people. Additionally, a pool ball has been thrown at one of my workers, a vehicle owned by a member of staff has been targeted, and disruption tactics have been employed to prevent staff accessing the building.


The problem lies in the estate and the people that live there.

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Jane wilson did not just watch young people play pool she got them learning like the girls doing naild.real care babys were provided for young girls snack bar computors trips out lots of groups so facts need to be stated


---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 14:42 ----------


As u seem to b slagging the ppl off manor woodthorpe people are genuine and some great people live there. The council can give money to micky mouse like organisations like sheffield futures who get money for nothing. Jane wilson earned every penny she got.she would turn up at the club at 9am sorting stuff and organising stuff giving free time.but her work with local people was fantastic.

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As u seem to b slagging the ppl off manor woodthorpe people are genuine and some great people live there. .


But they physically intimidate and threaten others.


Stop condoning their behaviour.

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Who does? What ppl do onthere is fight for what they have and wont let ppl walk all over them and when they have too they show great community spirit by sticking together as for threats not true.and unless u can come with some constructive criticism keep your opinion to yourself as they are far from the truth.you must work for futures


---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 19:46 ----------


As residents of manor and woodthorpe we know sheffirld futures got rid of a women whos heart and sole went in to her job.she reduced crime child pregnancys helped every young person for 26 years and was a resident herself.she shouldnt have had to attend an interview but the time she was asked to her partner was rushed to hospital with a heart attack.how could she focus with that lot on her mind.then futures had the cheek to post a letter and in so msny words trying to make out hane had left willingly.so futuer can do things underhanded. We dont want them on our estate they have proved what they are.get jane donna and wendy back the best team ever


---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 19:47 ----------


As residents of manor and woodthorpe we know sheffirld futures got rid of a women whos heart and sole went in to her job.she reduced crime child pregnancys helped every young person for 26 years and was a resident herself.she shouldnt have had to attend an interview but the time she was asked to her partner was rushed to hospital with a heart attack.how could she focus with that lot on her mind.then futures had the cheek to post a letter and in so msny words trying to make out hane had left willingly.so futuer can do things underhanded. We dont want them on our estate they have proved what they are.get jane donna and wendy back the best team ever

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