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Should the UK have armed cops/troops on our streets full-time?

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Right about what? That the arming the policewomen in Manchester wouldn't have saved them? Or that arming the police by default will result in more deaths of innocent people?


I assume you don't want to answer my question about how arming the Police will result in stopping more of those crimes you listed?


I said I hope your right, now stop looking for an argument. :wave:

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I said I hope your right, now stop looking for an argument. :wave:


I'm not looking for an argument, I'm looking for a discussion. I've explained my viewpoint, and have queried you on yours, unfortunately you seem to be unwilling to explain anything about your views.


If you're not willing to listen to alternatives, or discuss / explain your views, wouldn't you be better off posting them to Twitter / your own blog where you don't need to concern yourself with the pesky people who don't completely agree with you?


Oh well, another person to add to the Ignore list I suppose since it seems reading / responding to you is a waste of time. :wave:

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There are loads of gun related crimes. drugs,banks, nutters shooting police women, that's just a few.


I think it's all these wall-to-wall cops shows that make people think there is some sort of crime wave. In actual fact nearly all types of crime, and especially violent crime, is well down from what it was about fifteen years ago.


A crime mystery. It's going down, but no one really knows why



Nearly all the so-called experts predicted that austerity would lead to more crime. The opposite is happening. Here is some good news for nearly everyone. Crime is falling. Murder is down. Violent crime generally is down. Property crime is down. In fact, almost every category of criminality that you can think of is declining. Here is the even better news. This is not a blip. The downward trend is now very well established and can be traced back over many years.


Police winning battle against inner city gun crime



Firearms offences have fallen by more than 40 percent in less than a decade, with the rise of “gun culture” in Britain’s inner cities apparently reversed because of improved police intelligence.


Figures out next month are expected to confirm the long-term decline in gun crime which resulted in 39 people shot dead in 2011/12 compared with a high of 96 ten years earlier.

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That's a lousy idea. Drunk squaddies armed with Glock 17's? You must be joking.


We've just had a young soldier killed in broad daylight in the most horrific manner and you make this crass,sweeping stupid comment! Yet if someone makes the same generalisation about all muslims being killers you try to rip them a new one. Double standards?

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Anyone who watched "the Wire" should know that crime statistics do not have anything to do with actual levels of crime.


True - anyone watching US cop fiction would think crime was even higher than it is (in the USA).

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USA is a far better comparison Harleyman - the culture is much more similar - or at least we have a very high number of US cop shows on TV.


And we're nowhere near the number of armed incidents per head of population in the USA.


I disagree. The American culture differs in many ways from the Briitish and you have to also take into account population size and demographics.


France and Gremany on the other hand have around the same population in numbers as the UK, (give or take a few thou) all three countries much less racially diverse than the US and an immigrant population that for the greater part originates in the same global area of the world.


As for culture I think that younger modern Europeans despite differences in language share a very common culture with each other these days



As for cop shows :hihi: Any resemblance between cop shows and what the reality is is purely co-incidental

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