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Should the UK have armed cops/troops on our streets full-time?

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True - anyone watching US cop fiction would think crime was even higher than it is (in the USA).


It's rubbish... serving only to entertain with lots of action and nothing else.


The majority of cops in America get their 25-30 years in without even having to draw a gun, never mind actually having to shoot anyone.


These shows would have you believe that after a shooting it's pure John Wayne. Blow down the barrel and reholster the weapon :hihi: :hihi:


In a case where a person is shot the cop involved has to fill out a wad of paperwork, an interview with Internal Affairs, often an appearance in court if there are any witnesses who think that the shooting was unwarranted and a mandatory paid leave of absence which serves to reduce stress on the officer and allow for further investigation into the shooting


---------- Post added 25-05-2013 at 19:16 ----------


What good would armed police roaming the streets have done in the Woolwich incident?

There were no police on the spot, they didn't arrive for 10 minutes.


Some time has to be lost in calling out an armed response team in a situation like that whereas in a patrol car with an armed officer the reponse time might just have been quicker

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As for culture I think that younger modern Europeans despite differences in language share a very common culture with each other these days





maybe more, than before. But don't forget, they always did.

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at 19:16 ----------[/size]




Some time has to be lost in calling out an armed response team in a situation like that whereas in a patrol car with an armed officer the reponse time might just have been quicker




The only way response times can improve is by having more cops on the street.

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at 19:16 ----------[/size]




Some time has to be lost in calling out an armed response team in a situation like that whereas in a patrol car with an armed officer the reponse time might just have been quicker




The only way response times can improve is by having more cops on the street.


That's easier said than done. Costs prohibit most cities from hiring as they should these days.

Turning over all clerical jobs to civilians and community volunteers is one way to get more police out on the street.

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Deport who ?


All the Muslims ? Or just starting with them ?


Would we start by rounding them up ?


How about we paint a cresent on all Muslim properties and business ?


Maybe a big book burning session also ?



I'm sure you cud get a job escorting these Muslims through the gates ( camps )


What do u think ? That is what u r suggesting aren't you ?


---------- Post added 24-05-2013 at 21:19 ----------



I think its a good thing they take the guns away



In the USA returning personal are more likly to commit suicide than be killed while on active duty


no need to place signs on their shops and homes as they are easiy recogniseable. Other than that you have it about right.


---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 10:11 ----------


Crime is falling.


No its not it just doesnt get recorded.


The crime statistics as recorded in the 80s are completely different to today, a calculated strategy by the government and Police to stop recording offences of, for instance, shoplifting, minor assaults, drug possession, has slowly been introduced. If you compare crime today to 20 years ago on a like for like basis crime has really increased by about 50%.


We have been conned by lies damned lies and statistics.


---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 10:14 ----------


The only way response times can improve is by having more cops on the street.


That's easier said than done. Costs prohibit most cities from hiring as they should these days.

Turning over all clerical jobs to civilians and community volunteers is one way to get more police out on the street.


We should also consider the use of more Special constables. Also the private security industry, which has already taken over prisoner escort, alarm activation response, Event stewarding etc should be further integrated.

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