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Johnny Fantham Wednesday legend goalscoring record


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  • 2 years later...
John Fanthom was running a used machine tool business when I last saw him in the 80s, it must have been a busy time back then with all the local macine shops closing.


Are you confusing John with Jim Mcanearney? He had a machine shop in Hillfoot

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John Fantham is, of course, an old pupil of Burngreave Secondary School. Anybody remember being at school with him. He lived on Pitsmoor Road in those days.


His Mum used to own the Mace shop at Pitsmoor. I remember me and a mate going round to his house for his autograph. I reckon I was about 10. we knocked on the door and his Mum answered. We could see him sat there eating his tea. She asked what we wanted, one of us can't remember who said can we have Mr Fantham's autograph please. Sorry she says he's having his tea. Hold on a minute says John and gets up and walks to the door in his tartan carpet slippers and signs our books. We were star struck.


Somehow can't see Rooney et al doing the same these days.

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His Mum used to own the Mace shop at Pitsmoor. I remember me and a mate going round to his house for his autograph. I reckon I was about 10. we knocked on the door and his Mum answered. We could see him sat there eating his tea. She asked what we wanted, one of us can't remember who said can we have Mr Fantham's autograph please. Sorry she says he's having his tea. Hold on a minute says John and gets up and walks to the door in his tartan carpet slippers and signs our books. We were star struck.


Somehow can't see Rooney et al doing the same these days.


I recall a Wednesday night game against Stoke, Gordon Banks was having an absolute blinder, Stoke were winning 0-1, until Fant struck in the dying embers of the game. A few more like him would do the game no harm at all.

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Most of the new babies and school kids in Pitsmoor in the 60/70's would have worn some article of clothing that had been knitted with wool bought from 'Auntie Molly's ' wool shop next door to the Mace shop. Molly Fantham was a lovely lady who had time for each and every one of her customers ....no matter how busy the shop was ....and no one ever complained !!

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Not sure why none of the old boys like JF aren't recognsed on the walls of fame at Hillsborough. People like him, Alan Finney, Don Megson, etc did more for the Owls than most of those who have been honoured.


I hadn't realized there was a hall of fame. If such be the players you've mentioned should certainly be on it - along with others like Ron Springett, Jim McCalliog, and Bobby Craig.

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