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Cross Corner Street

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Hello: My name is Kerry Connelly and new to the Sheffield Forum. I'm third generation American. My great grand parents came to America in the early 1870s. Their names were James D. and Theresa (Hanlon) Connelly. They were married in Dublin in 1864. James listed his address as Cross Corner Street, Sheffield.

I'm trying to find my grand father's birth or baptismal certificate. His name was Thomas Edward Connelly and born in March 1868. I don't know if Thomas was born in Dublin or Sheffield. I've search Dublin high and low and can't find a thing on Thomas.

If Thomas was born in Sheffield, and they lived on Cross Corner Street, what Catholic church is closest to Cross Corner Street? My guess is that Thomas' baptism probably took place there. Any other insight to this street or church/birth records would be greatly appreciated.

James D. Connelly worked as a printer. Maybe for a newspaper.




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Hi Kerry - welcome to the Forum!.:)


I'm afraid I cannot offer much help, but are you sure of the name of the street? It's just that I've looked in every source I have and I can't find a Cross Corner Street in Sheffield. I wonder if it could be a misreading of Cross Turner Street. This is in central Sheffield, near the railway station - here is an aerial view.


I looked in the 1871 census return for Cross Turner Street but could not find a Connelly. The street does not feature in the 1861 census, and so the houses may have been built later in the 1860s.


I cannot find a Sheffield birth entry of a Thomas Connelly in 1868, nor can I find a Thomas E. Connelly in the whole of England. Spelling was not an "exact science" in the 19th century, and so I also checked the Connolly spelling - the nearest I found was a Thomas Connolly born in Sheffield in Jan-Mar 1867. His parents were James & Eileen Connolly, both born in Roscommon, Ireland.


Dublin does seem a likely birthplace for Thomas Edward, though I quite understand your frustration at not being able to find an entry!

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Thank you so much. It is Cross Turner Street. My mistake. When I googled the map of Sheffield Cross Turner appears to be next to the rail way. Was this an Irish Section of Town. I think that Jame's father is buried in Bradford Cemetery which I think is near Sheffield or Manchester.

Thanks again.



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Hi Kerry - looking at census returns I didn't find any Irish-born inhabitants of the Cross Turner Street area. In the 1860s Sheffield's Irish community centred around Solly Street, about half a mile to the northwest, bordering on Sheffield's "Little Italy".


Needless to say, Irish workers travelled around a lot in the 19th century; my guess is that James had only been in Sheffield temporarily at the time of his marriage. I've been unable to find a James D. Connelly in census returns for Sheffield at that time.


You may like to look at the website of the Sheffield Irish Association. Good luck in your quest!

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