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Putting Animals Down

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Human life is far more important than animal life. I'm not suggesting we wipe out an entire species.


No it isn't, we depend on some species more than they depend on use. Life on earth would do just fine without us.


---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 20:54 ----------


A house is burning down, inside is a dog, a cat and a human baby. You can only save one. Which do you choose?


I'd pick the human every time, even if one of the animals was a pet I adored and loved.


What if the baby is destined to turn into a serial killer and the dog is destined to safe someones life, wouldn’t the dog then be more important.

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Why do the animals suffer!!! In most cases it's the owners faults .Leaving young children alone with any animal is madness. The poor girl yesterday died because she didn't follow the correct procedure for feeding the Tigers . As the supervisor said it wasn't the Tigers at fault . All dogs should be trained from a very young age and treated as a dog not a human .If you have ever seen It's me or the dog ,the stupidity of people is so obvious . The dog trainer goes in and all bad habits are wiped out in such a short time . If you cannot be bothered to spend time training then don't get a dog .


I read that yesterday about that poor lass, but it said she just walked into the pen and told no one she was going in. The guy said she had absolutely no reason for being in there, so it did make me wonder if there was an ulterior motive and if she did it deliberately.


Whatever it's an absolute tragedy, but they said they are not destroying the tiger, as it was just doing what it does naturally, sad loss of such a young lady may she RIP, only she'll ever know why she went in there.

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What humans perceive as compassion, unless of course you're fluent in Dolphin,

what's that Flipper the sardine gets it, but you'll show kindness to the human.


Of course it's what humans perceive as compassion, because we're human.


Your argument really is scraping the bottom of the barrel now.


Let's look at the facts.


Humans are a species of animal.


What we call 'compassion' is observed elsewhere in the animal kingdom.


Have you got that or is there any part of it that needs clarification?

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Of course it's what humans perceive as compassion, because we're human.


Your argument really is scraping the bottom of the barrel now.


Let's look at the facts.


Humans are a species of animal.


What we call 'compassion' is observed elsewhere in the animal kingdom.


Have you got that or is there any part of it that needs clarification?


Unless you speak or are a mind reader of ( insert whatever animal ) you are presuming.


Humans are a species of animal, really Sherlock.

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Come on Retep a simple search will find you the evidence you refute.


I'm not refuting anything, my post was,


I've yet to see a compassionate predator.


But if you can, point me in that direction.


Since which we've had Lions and Dolphins and presumptions.

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I'm not refuting anything, my post was,


I've yet to see a compassionate predator.


But if you can, point me in that direction.


Since which we've had Lions and Dolphins and presumptions.


Nope I can't but neither can I find proof that commpassion doesn't exist. They've witnessed acts of compassion with elephants and its well known that where two dogs have lived in the same household for a number of years that the loss of one is revealed in the other so who's to say.


Acts of compassion from one species to another may be rare but even this has been witnessed with our friend the elephant.


I suppose it would also depend on what a persons interpretation of compassion is. If they can show a sense of loss and 'mourn' one of their own that convinces me.

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I'm not refuting anything, my post was,


I've yet to see a compassionate predator.


But if you can, point me in that direction.


Since which we've had Lions and Dolphins and presumptions.


and humans.


So either you're claiming that humans cannot be compassionate, humans are not animals or there is no such thing as compassion.


None of which are true.


Your constant insistence that predators can't be compassionate is a) completely ignoring human beings and b) a very narrow argument that doesn't take into account that predation is an aspect, not the whole of a species character.

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and humans.


So either you're claiming that humans cannot be compassionate, humans are not animals or there is no such thing as compassion.


None of which are true.


Your constant insistence that predators can't be compassionate is a) completely ignoring human beings and b) a very narrow argument that doesn't take into account that predation is an aspect, not the whole of a species character.


Do you say sorry to your meat when you eat it, or for that matter your vegetables, you're preying on it if you eat it, do you feel compassion for that spud, it's only doing you good.

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Do you say sorry to your meat when you eat it, or for that matter your vegetables, you're preying on it if you eat it, do you feel compassion for that spud, it's only doing you good.


Do you understand the questions I was asking when you hijacked them because I'm genuinely beginning to think you don't even know what you're arguing against.


I'll make the point you seem to be missing again then bid you good night as we've been at this al day.


Just because an animal is a predetor it doesn't mean it is incapable of compassion.


You have been given examples by me and another poster of lions, humans, dolphins and dogs.


All predators, all capable of either inter or intra (or both) species compassion.


You have yet to present any counter argument other than does a predator feel compassion for its dinner. Whether it does or not is irrelevant to the point that those predatory species can be compassionate.


If you want me to continue this you need to come up with some reasons because all your argument at the minute seems to be focused on baseless and largely irrelevant points.

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