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Looking for Robert Green

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Also Zakes, Re your mention of Wiggies, not sure if you might have caught it in another post of mine, but when I started work at Walsh's in '74, I worked with a big South African guy called Chris Kroukamp. Prior to that he worked at Wiggies, ring any bells?.

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Looking for Robert Green


mike-s. Post 12


Nah then Spen’,


You mention Chris Kroukamp (sp). I replied to this question long ago on the thread, ‘Rackhams in the 80’s’ post 39. I believe Chris originated from J-Burg. He worked at Wigfall’s shop on Middlewood Road, Hillsborough shopping centre. They used to have washing machines, cookers and fridges, new and reconditioned, stacked up on the pavement when the weather was clement. Chris was popular with the women.


On post. 40. you responded (don’t you recall?) and mentioned an occasion when Chris had 6,000 notes in a taxi. Well, I had many chats with Chris all those years ago, and some of the stuff he told me would make your hair curl. LOL. Even from a very young age, I have never revealed any confidences told to me. I even had serious physical punishments from teachers and from local Bobbies for keeping my lips sealed, so please don’t ask. Just remember mike, all that glitters is not always gold, sometimes its tinsel.


What has this to do with Robert Green? … Nowt!


Oh, I joined the forum in December 2008, you joined in January 2010, two years and one month after me. You have posted over 170 times more than I have. Question- who has the most time on their hands (wrists), you or me? Just saying like. LOL


Cheers mike


The Zakes




Bantycock-post 11.


Hey-up Pal


When I worked at Wiggies 1971-72ish, I worked at a few different departments. I was always on the look-out for any oo’er time available to keep in pocket for birds, booze and Park Drive plain. I worked as a van lad, and also lugging stuff in various depots. I worked at Walker Street- washing machines. My boss was Scotsman Mr McNeill. Alma Street- furniture. My boss was David Renshaw. Mowbray Street (Bruce Works) – televisions. My bosses were Mr Sheehan and Don Woolhouse. I knew Willis South reight well (Pitsmoor lad, later lived in Mosborough). He hardly did any driving during my time there. I have added long posts with names to a Wigfalls thread here on the Forum, also more info on the Hollingworth brothers (twins) thread, that may be worth having a look at.


You also mention on your posts, Upwell Street and the area. In the early ‘90’s, having come back from living abroad, I played for The Ball snooker teams, Monday league and Tuesday league. I knew Nevin Spensley, and his brother Paul. I knew Pete Smith (with the wig. LOL) and Big Andy (good player) from the team. There was another Andy, a lad, who wore gold chains, a slim fellow who worked as a porter at the Northern General. I knew Veronica, Nevin’s missus, also Brian the Landlord at The Ball. He used to play very loudly his awful cassettes at ‘after bird’ time. Oh, we once lost a match 5-0 away at The Sheffield Arms. They had a very low ceiling in that pub.


All the best to you Bantycock



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