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New Cinema on The Moor - Light

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so, if it's not due to open till 2016, why have they knocked it all down now?


Wouldn't it have been better to leave it, and have shops and things in the building for a couple of years?


Yes, it looks like whoever was responsible hadn't learnt from previous mistakes, such as when the old buildings at the bottom of the the Moor were knocked down and left as a derelict building site for several years :)

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People criticise this City because usuully plans get no further than the drawing board.

Totally agree.


The theatres are hardly struggling due to their lack of car parking. Neither is the Showroom or any of the other leisure venues.


Gotta love this city. Things get criticised before they have even got off the drawing board stage. No wonder this place never develops.


Sheffielders dont seem to like change. Just look how many people pine on about the days of Redgates, Robert Brothers and cars being able to drive down the moor. The 60s are gone people. Life has moved on.

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A new cinema there would be a very good idea. A lot of town centre regeneration projects kick off with a cinema complex because moviegoers tend to hang around and spend money on meals beforehand and drinks afterwards.


I don't think parking would be the problem some people would like to think it is. A lot of people who go will want to have a drink anyway, especially on Friday and Saturday nights, and there are buses into town wherever you live. It's as if some people are determined to drive everywhere until their car keys are prised from their cold, dead hand.


A more realistic problem would be the price of cinema tickets these days. What is it now, £10? £12? They're cooking the goose that lays golden eggs by charging that much. There are times when we fancy going to the cinema but because there's nothing that we really, really want to see we end up renting something off XBox Live for a fiver. If the tickets were cheaper, we wouldn't mind seeing a decent, but not brilliant, film at the cinema because it's as much about the experience. Not at £20 a time, though.

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so, if it's not due to open till 2016, why have they knocked it all down now?


Wouldn't it have been better to leave it, and have shops and things in the building for a couple of years?


They would be earning revenue. Instead of having a pile of rubble where the building was, and a chunk out of the old car park behind it, making the whole place look terrible...


The cinema is predicted to open in 2016 but Primark is predicted to open in 2015. So they are giving themselves a year and a half to finish construction and start fit out. Since they screwed up the demolition and had to stop halfway through I think they've probably had to push these back already. We've only really lost Argos from the Moor the other shops moved to different properties on the Moor.

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so, if it's not due to open till 2016, why have they knocked it all down now?


Wouldn't it have been better to leave it, and have shops and things in the building for a couple of years?


2016 is just over 2 years away. If they had kept it open for another couple of years they'd have had to knock down the old building and build the new complex within months. The new market has taken over a year with good weather thrown in.

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so, if it's not due to open till 2016, why have they knocked it all down now?


Wouldn't it have been better to leave it, and have shops and things in the building for a couple of years?


They would be earning revenue. Instead of having a pile of rubble where the building was, and a chunk out of the old car park behind it, making the whole place look terrible...


How do they build a new cinema building and shops on the site without knocking down the old ones first?

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Since they screwed up the demolition and had to stop halfway through I think they've probably had to push these back already.


Do you know what actually happened? I can't figure out why any company would cut a chunk out of the building at the back and just leave it that way.

The only explanation I can think of, is that they moved their resources to completing the market, and then they're going to pick up where they left off. Seems like a very odd point at which to pause the project though.

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Do you know what actually happened? I can't figure out why any company would cut a chunk out of the building at the back and just leave it that way.

The only explanation I can think of, is that they moved their resources to completing the market, and then they're going to pick up where they left off. Seems like a very odd point at which to pause the project though.


No idea, I swear I read in this thread that they found it was still connected to the gas or something but the post seems to have disappeared, maybe it was a dream? :loopy: My other thought was that the building is connected to Debenhams on one corner and that caused the issue.


It is very odd whatever the reason.

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The building just down from Debenhams is apparently being demolished and going to be a new cinema.


But which organisation will be taking it on, who is in the running and will the Odeon relocate there?


waste of time building one if you ask me cant see it doing much

might be do well at first but then will die down

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waste of time building one if you ask me cant see it doing much

might be do well at first but then will die down


What makes you think that?


Im sure the developers extensive market research and projections think different. Central Sheffield has a very large population which increases even more when the students are present. Not everyone wants to travel all the way out ot Meadowhall or the hideous Centertainment to see a film.

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