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New Cinema on The Moor - Light

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Firstly defining them as "awful" is highly subjective. Just what did you expect to see there?


Just one independent restaurant would have been nice....is that too much to ask?


Nope , just the usual chains.


Nandos has a place less than half a mile away , zizzis...oh I cant even be bothered.

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Just one independent restaurant would have been nice....is that too much to ask?


Nope , just the usual chains.


Nandos has a place less than half a mile away , zizzis...oh I cant even be bothered.


I too am unexcited by the chains but there are a number of independent restaurants within spitting distance you have a particularly good choice if you like Chinese food and if you are there during the daytime you there's a whole host of independent food outlets in the market.

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Just one independent restaurant would have been nice....is that too much to ask?


Nope , just the usual chains.


Nandos has a place less than half a mile away , zizzis...oh I cant even be bothered.


It is if nobody is prepared to set one up.


Of course, nobody is stopping you putting your own money forward and setting something up.

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Just one independent restaurant would have been nice....is that too much to ask?


Nope , just the usual chains.


Nandos has a place less than half a mile away , zizzis...oh I cant even be bothered.


How many "independent" restaurants do you see setting up inside multi-million pound shopping or leisure complexes?


Have you any idea what the rental and services charges are for such buildings?


There is a reason why most "independent" restaurants - no matter how good are generally off grid and in less commercial locations.


The most popular chains pick the most popular locations with the highest footfall. They are the ones who can afford premium sites in large complexes.

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How many "independent" restaurants do you see setting up inside multi-million pound shopping or leisure complexes?


And from a commercial developers prospective you want tenants with a proven track record, deep pockets, and the ability to commit to 5-10 year lease

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Guest makapaka
Had my first trip to The Light today and I think I have a new favourite cinema. Worth the ticket price just for those seats and the amount of leg room.


Same here and really impressed with the cinema and the development overall.



Couple of units in there to fill and it should be even better.

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I enjoyed the cinema,the reclining chairs are spot on.Yes the drinks were a bit on the high side,but i was expecting that.I have sneaked chocolate in to cinemas before rather than pay the inflated prices.As for some complaining about the food outlets,get real this is Sheffield most of us cannot afford fifty to a hundred pound a head restaurants.I dont even like paying ten pounds for a meal.:hihi:

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If you are over 5ft 2in then I thoroughly recommend the new cinema. If you are under this height as my wife is your feet will not touch the floor when you sit down. Which might be ok if you don't have back ache like my wife does. As the seats recline you can't get any purchase with your feet to prevent yourself slipping into an uncomfortable position.


Oh and don't bother raising this issue with the staff. They'll think you are joking and suggest using the kids booster seats for foot rests.


We won't be going there again. Curzon much better and at least the staff seem to give a damn.

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