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New Cinema on The Moor - Light

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You don't seem to be bothered either given you haven't expressed your concerns through the proper channels. Cake, have, eat.


If Alcoblog complains through official channels then there is a danger that it might get fixed, while initially he would feel some sense of satisfaction this is nothing compared the pleasure he will get from the next two decades of persistent complaining to any poor individual within ear shot.


I'm always reminded of the late Terry Pratchett


“The phrase 'Someone ought to do something' was not, by itself, a helpful one. People who used it never added the rider 'and that someone is me'.”

― Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

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Doubtful. Why fill in all the joints if they're intending to replace them?

Anyway, the balcony panels are just very poorly fitted … if the builders had made the joints parallel and square in the first place, there'd be no problem. Fixing things to a steel frame is hardly rocket science (especially if you're aware of shimming and spacers like most competent builders).

I helped an architect friend fix pre-cast panels to his new self-build house in Monmouth last year using a large version of tile spacers. It was bang on and straightforward.


What is doubtful is that you know anything of the particular fixing method required for these panels. You helped your mate fix some different panels to a different structure. Irrelevant. Yet your first response is accusations of shoddy workmanship.


We don't know the reasons for the ill fitting panels, we don't know it wont be captured somewhere on a snagging list and fixed in due course. It's hardly likely to be on the critical path for completion of the project.

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  • 3 months later...

Saw Fast and Furious 8 at Sheffield's new Light Cinema last night - first showing open to the public.


Despite a few teething issues with the film I was quite impressed with the facilities - comfy, spacious seats and a decent choice of food which didn't seem quite as extortionately priced as the big chains.


Worth a look now it's finally complete.

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One of my dreams for Fargate is an enclosure like this




Why? Why does everything have to be a copy of what Leeds has got all the time.


Besides, Trinity Leeds was an upgrade on an existing indoor shopping complex, namely City Plaza. It would only be like Orchard Square being massively extended and upgraded.


If anything Fargate should really be aiming to have the footfall and quality of stores as Briggate, although as Sheffield Retail is moving further towards the Moor in any event, the most appropriate place for any investment really should the NRQ area.

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