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Banning Lads Magazines

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If it makes you feel better then I have no problem with you thinking that.

Prove me wrong then, give us a link to a study that you've asserted comes to these conclusions


---------- Post added 28-05-2013 at 22:18 ----------


Studies have also indicated that it is mostly to do with sexual gratification.


I say this is an outright lie.

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I feel most feminists, both men and women, appear to be not very attractive. There are the odd occassions that they are but these are few and far between. We can only assume that good looking women are quite happy with the attention their looks aford them, albeit shallow.


I'd love to know how you've worked this out. Do you canvass everyone you meet to work out where they stand on the gender-equality scale and then give them marks out of ten for looks?


I can't tell you how infuriating and demeaning it is to have to put up with misogynistic fools, thinking they can treat you like dirt just because you are a pretty, young blonde. I heard it all when I was a barmaid, struggling to make ends meet back in my student days. I'd sometimes go home shaking with anger, wondering how grown men could be so disrespectful to someone else - would they behave that way with their own daughters, their mothers, their wives? So no, I didn't enjoy that particular type of attention. I appreciate compliments, I've always got on well with blokes - far from hating them, I actually think the sexes are less different than people seem to think. All this "us" and "them" doesn't help anything. Why has it turned into some kind of war? Can't people see that there's bad, stupid behaviour that no-one should condone.


I really don't understand where this idea that anyone who sticks up for themselves and wants to make the world a bit fairer, must ergo be ugly.

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Prove me wrong then, give us a link to a study that you've asserted comes to these conclusions


---------- Post added 28-05-2013 at 22:18 ----------



I say this is an outright lie.


I get fed up of proving you wrong; it’s become pointless because in a few weeks I will have it to do all over again. If you are interested you will find the evidence for yourself.

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That's a very strange way of dealing with things on a public forum ..... poor form IMHO :huh:

If you want a feminist 'love in' or appreciation thread start one :rant:


I'd settle for a reasonable debate with people who had even an small hint of a clue about what they're talking to about.


But since this is SF and gender, what we have instead is people with really too much time on their hands typing out lingering descriptions of the moment of orgasm in the context of rape. Really lovely stuff.

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I'd love to know how you've worked this out. Do you canvass everyone you meet to work out where they stand on the gender-equality scale and then give them marks out of ten for looks?


I can't tell you how infuriating and demeaning it is to have to put up with misogynistic fools, thinking they can treat you like dirt just because you are a pretty, young blonde. I heard it all when I was a barmaid, struggling to make ends meet back in my student days. I'd sometimes go home shaking with anger, wondering how grown men could be so disrespectful to someone else - would they behave that way with their own daughters, their mothers, their wives? So no, I didn't enjoy that particular type of attention. I appreciate compliments, I've always got on well with blokes - far from hating them, I actually think the sexes are less different than people seem to think. All this "us" and "them" doesn't help anything. Why has it turned into some kind of war? Can't people see that there's bad, stupid behaviour that no-one should condone.


I really don't understand where this idea that anyone who sticks up for themselves and wants to make the world a bit fairer, must ergo be ugly.

Well said. I sympathise, the amount of harassment I had to put up with when I did barwork (also as a student) was horrific. Threatened, followed home and all kinds of hideous comments and unwanted attention. Street harassment too, when going about my everyday business. And a couple of years ago, being spied on by some creep whilst watching TV in my front room (set back from the road). You're not even free from from all this crap when in the comfort of your own home. When confronted, he informed me he was having a **** (rhymes with bank). Perhaps me and 1,000s of other women should just put up and shut up? That seems to be the message from certain quarters.


---------- Post added 28-05-2013 at 22:29 ----------


I'd settle for a reasonable debate with people who had even an small hint of a clue about what they're talking to about.


But since this is SF and gender, what we have instead is people with really too much time on their hands typing out lingering descriptions of the moment of orgasm in the context of rape. Really lovely stuff.


Am trying very hard to block that post from my mind.

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I'd love to know how you've worked this out. Do you canvass everyone you meet to work out where they stand on the gender-equality scale and then give them marks out of ten for looks?


I can't tell you how infuriating and demeaning it is to have to put up with misogynistic fools, thinking they can treat you like dirt just because you are a pretty, young blonde. I heard it all when I was a barmaid, struggling to make ends meet back in my student days. I'd sometimes go home shaking with anger, wondering how grown men could be so disrespectful to someone else - would they behave that way with their own daughters, their mothers, their wives? So no, I didn't enjoy that particular type of attention. I appreciate compliments, I've always got on well with blokes - far from hating them, I actually think the sexes are less different than people seem to think. All this "us" and "them" doesn't help anything. Why has it turned into some kind of war? Can't people see that there's bad, stupid behaviour that no-one should condone.


I really don't understand where this idea that anyone who sticks up for themselves and wants to make the world a bit fairer, must ergo be ugly.


If I was going to make a wild stab in the dark at why it might be I'd probably land on the fact that women who speak up about equality are threatening to male dominance. One way of trying to prevent women either speaking up or even thinking about that stuff is to give them the impression that if they do, they'll be perceived as unattractive to men. And it works, up to a point. No one likes to be called ugly, unattractive or whatever. For some people, the risk of that happening would be enough to silence them.


The other tactics are to tell women who speak up that they're mad/crazy/insane/hysterical/over-thinking. It works in a similar way. Telling women to 'calm down' when they engage in stuff like this is the telling phrase here.


And then there's the bit about how feminists aren't 'normal' women, or the argument that 'most women don't think like this'.


All of them work in the same way - trying to make women feel isolated, different, strange, unattractive. It's a means of 'othering' feminists and suggesting that they aren't part of 'normal' society.


The same responses to women's calls for equality or other deviant behaviour have been going on for literally centuries. You'd think that the clever misogynists would have hit on a different tactic to try and express their dissatisfaction with uppity women by now since these ones are so transparent, but it seems not.

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Womens magazines are packed full of sex and are alot worse than mens mags. In fact its all thats in them. 'More' magazine has position of the month for god sake.


I bought FHM for years and there are pictures of girls but alot of other stuff like football, film, gadgets etc


I agree that The Sun should get rid of Page 3 though. Its very outdated. They should have got rid of that at the same time that 'lady gardens' went out of fashion in the early 90's!

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lol this threads funny


the most vociferous opponants of this action against lads mags are exactly those that are also against muslim women "choosing" to cover up by wearing burkas etc


it actually makes you wonder if they want to see muslim ladies in lads mags and page 3 Oo


the mind boggles

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