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Banning Lads Magazines

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Don't be silly, builders do it from a great height were they can't be seen, just don't look up or you might be hit in the eye. :gag:


I knew of a tower crane operator who used to take a dozen copies of fiesta up for his shift.

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A user name doesn't necessarily mean anything...? For all anyone knows "Jessica23" could be a hairy bummed, bald truck driver from Gateshead... :)

Equally, Watson B could be Peter Sutcliffe, all this talk of women and 'vile fitlh' - I'm still interested to hear what this 'vile filth' is.


If Watson B hasn't then the " " are excusable I think.. you just never know on anonymous forums..

Gosh, such suspicious minds. Next you'll be telling me that Boyfriday is a white man and ardent EDL supporter.


---------- Post added 29-05-2013 at 18:02 ----------


Have just read this storify on Twitter, all par for the course, naturally.:roll:

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If Watson B hasn't then the " " are excusable I think.. you just never know on anonymous forums..


That's true. But you can make a bit of an educated guess based on longevity, posting history, etc. I've met at least 10 people from SF over the last few years, including at unofficial forum meets. I've consistently posted on threads on this issue and others like it in the same way. I've spoken about my place of work, where I walk my dog, my background and so on and so forth.


I post in good faith on issues I care about, and have talked about why I do that (when I'm so clearly wasting my time with the majority of other posters who engage in these topics) here.


Of course, Watson B might not be aware of all that, since he joined the site last month.

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I used to get the Nuts mag regularly.


Yes there were good looking with differing levels "airbrushing" women in there.


Yes there was also lots of random sh*t that appeals to my sense of humour which is still doesn't seem to have aged from when I was 17...


I'm also have a fiancee who means the world to me and a young son that mean the world to me.


Seeing a good looking woman on/in anything and noticing how good looking they are isn't objectifying...


After lads mags it'll be online porn sites... These particular women are weird and those are in my fiancee's words...


Much as they like to pretend to, Kat Banyard and Feminista don't represent majority female view or popular opinion.

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One or two women giving the abuse there as well I see. You shouldn't have to put up with abuse but the groundswell of support for this cause just isn't there is it?


Yes, women can be just as bad (look at the abuse Ched Evans' rape victim has endured from men and women as well as being outed by members of both sex). 2,000 + signatures in less than a week as petitions go is not bad going I suppose. Although in that storify the worst abuse is of male provenance.

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I think with feminists a problem is that they always think they are speaking on behalf of women... The problem is they don't. There are plenty of women who don't agre with their point of view...


That applies to all social movements. Many women were not in support of the female vote either.


That should be 'points' of view as not all feminists think alike. There are many different schools of thought as you ought to know by now, given your interest in feminism or should that be feminists?

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If its only a small minority of men, why is it such a big deal?


I think so too, just a minority. Others seemed to be suggesting that it's typical Male behaviour (or at least that's how I read it). Which I don't think is fair to the majority of men to suggest that. That's not to excuse the minority of course.

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