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He talks a lot of sense.

what? no substance?

no answers?


just the exact crap sprouted on here in handy little soundbites about terrorists and grooming gangs?


the other longer video with the meeting of british muslims talking about things is a lot more interesting and eye opening, the fella round about 35 - 45 mins says some good things about british muslims, supporting liverpool, going to football, a dislike for certain countries islamic setups where hed be imprisoned for saying certain things or doing certain things

and the threats british muslims have to face on a daily basis, from both more extreme muslims and other british people on the streets, hes now scared for his mum when she wears her headscarf even tho shes never done anything wrong in the country

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what? no substance?

no answers?


just the exact crap sprouted on here in handy little soundbites about terrorists and grooming gangs?


the other longer video with the meeting of british muslims talking about things is a lot more interesting and eye opening, the fella round about 35 - 45 mins says some good things about british muslims, supporting liverpool, going to football, a dislike for certain countries islamic setups where hed be imprisoned for saying certain things or doing certain things

and the threats british muslims have to face on a daily basis, from both more extreme muslims and other british people on the streets, hes now scared for his mum when she wears her headscarf even tho shes never done anything wrong in the country


Plenty of substance in what he says like it or not. As for answers, he is only one man. The state with all it's politicians, policy makers and resources should be coming up with the answers.

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Still waiting on your response to these questions by the way:


I know that the Jews and their Beth din courts are just as wrong as the Muslims with their sharia courts in Britain. Britain should be governed by British courts , simple .

However , forgive me thinking that sharia courts are in particularly wrong and should not be part of our society .

I recently read this in the telegraph

Nazir Afzal, the Chief Crown prosecutor for the North West, a Muslim who has taken the lead in tackling honour-based domestic violence. “I’m disappointed but not surprised,” he said. “Most of them [sharia councils] are absolutely fine but there are some – clearly like this one – who are putting women at risk. And doing so for ridiculous reasons, namely that they are somehow responsible for the abuse they are suffering.”

In Bristol, Cara, a Muslim convert told me she had met her husband at university and he had persuaded her to only have a Sharia marriage. He ended up abusing her emotionally, controlling her by taking all of her earnings and her student loans. When he brought prostitutes back to their home, Cara ran away to a refuge. She contacted Leyton Sharia council for a divorce but they told her she would have to go to them with her husband for arbitration.

“I was shocked,” says Cara. “Surely they can see that women who have been through this cannot be forced to meet up with someone who is abusing them.”

Sharia councils in other parts of Britain have also meddled in legal issues that should be matters for the UK courts. In Dewsbury, west Yorkshire, an old pub, once the White Hart Inn, is now a Sharia council. Ayesha, a thin and haunted-looking woman in traditional dress and a headscarf told me her husband, who hit her even when she was pregnant, had been imprisoned for his violent behaviour. She and her children had injunctions against him, and yet when she went to Dewsbury Sharia Council for a divorce, they still wanted the couple to meet for mediation.

“I said, I can’t do that as he isn’t even allowed near my house because I’m frightened and can’t face him,” says Ayesha, “but they didn’t take any notice.”

Eventually, when a barrister specialising in family law became involved, Dewsbury agreed to see Ayesha without her husband – but she still had to face five men alone without legal representation. It took her two years to get a divorce; meanwhile, her husband had already moved to Pakistan and married again.

Dewsbury council said they could not comment on individual cases but they are aware of the standing and gravity of UK court orders and would never advise clients to breach them. They can arrange separate meetings on different days to avoid this.

Across the country where there are large Muslim communities, there are now Sharia councils. Some seem to discriminate against women in different ways. Women are required to produce two male witnesses, and it costs a woman at least £400 to get an Islamic divorce while a man can pay nothing. Under Sharia law, a woman must hand over all of her dowry before a divorce can be granted. Sharia marriage is not recognised under UK law, so women are not automatically entitled to half the house or financial assets when it comes to a divorce.



All a little worrying if you ask me .

The religion of peace ... Hhmmm

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I have spoken with a Muslim couple at the gym. And they have said the Muslims who are spreading hate are not really Muslims at all, they are just doing it for the there own glory. This couple drink Alcohol and speak English, we have a Democratic debate every time we see each other and we embrace what we all say. Now that's Democracy.

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I know that the Jews and their Beth din courts are just as wrong as the Muslims with their sharia courts in Britain. Britain should be governed by British courts , simple .


And football tribunals?

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Under Sharia law, a woman must hand over all of her dowry before a divorce can be granted. Sharia marriage is not recognised under UK law, so women are not automatically entitled to half the house or financial assets when it comes to a divorce.



All a little worrying if you ask me .

The religion of peace ... Hhmmm


..and did you read the last bit? Sharia marriages are not recognised under British law, in other words a Sharia 'bride' isn't legally married to her 'husband', so like a mistress she wouldn't be entitled to the financial assets of her husband...for that to arise the marriage would have to be a legal one ie conducted by a registrar in a place authorised for wedding ceremonies, which is what most Muslim couples choose to do, the Muslim 'marriage' is usually a ceremonial one, unless the imam is authorised to conduct marriages recognised under the Marriage Act, the provisions of which supercede a sharia marriage, so make the claims made in your preamble fairly bogus.

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I have spoken with a Muslim couple at the gym before. And they have said the Muslims who are spreading hate are not really Muslims at all, they are just doing it for the there own glory. This couple drink Alcohol and speak English, we have a Democratic debate every time we see each other and we embrace what we all say. Now that's Democracy.



:confused:Before what?

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